Create Appointment Pay Rates
Updated over a week ago

When naming appointment pay rates, we highly suggest to not put the amount the instructor will be paid in the pay rate name.

Add a new appointment pay rate

  1. From the main navigation menu under Staff Center, select Pay Rates

  2. Under Manage Pay Rates select Add New Pay Rate, then choose Appointments

  3. Select Contractors or Employees

  4. Enter the Pay Rate name

  5. Choose None, Flat Rate, Staff Time Clock Rate, Alternative Hourly Rate, Percentage of Revenue
    ​None: Pay will be $0.00
    ​Flat Rate: Pay will be flat rate entered here
    ​Staff Time Clock Rate: Pay will be based on hours clocked in
    ​Alternative Hourly Rate: Pay will be based on hours entered here + tips
    Alternative hourly rate is calculated based on the length of the appointment (Rate x Time).
    For example, if the alternative hourly rate is $100 and the appointment is 90 minutes, then the staff member's pay will be $150.
    ​How percentage pay is calculated
    The number of credits spent x $2.75 each
    ​Limited pack: The cost of the plan divided by the number of visits in the plan.
    ​Unlimited plans: Always count as $0.
    ​Migration comp pass: Always count as $0
    ​Single session/ standard pricing
    Calculations are based on the total for a single session, excluding tip and tax. If a promotion or discount is applied, pay is based on the subtotal price (after discounts but before taxes). If a gift card or account balance is used, its based on the total amount before the gift card or account balance is used.

  6. Select Save

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