Client Stats Tab
Updated over a week ago

Curious how many times a client has taken Power Flow? Or if they only prefer to take classes taught by a specific instructor? The Stats section in the Client Profile helps you learn more about your client's likes and frequency, enabling you better to understand their patterns and the right plans and products to sell to them.

Information Found Under Stats

Client Profile

To access client stats, you will need to visit their Client Profile. To access an individual

Client Profile.

  • Type their name in the Find a Contact search toolbar on the top navigation of the software

  • Click on their name in a class roster

  • Search for their name using the Contacts tab on the left-hand software navigation

From the Client Profile, you can select the tab that says Stats. The goal of Stats is to give you valuable insights into a client's booking behavior, patterns, and habits at your studio, along with their preferred instructors and classes. By knowing and understanding the type of data listed below, you and your staff can be better prepared to acknowledge milestones successfully, sell plans that work for a client's lifestyle, and track client progress (and visits over a year). Stats include the following fields: Visits by Instructor, Visit by Class, and Visit History.

Visits by Instructor

Get a snapshot into which instructors a client likes to attend the most (or least) and how many classes they’ve taken in your studio with that specific instructor Note: By seeing what instructor a client prefers, you can suggest new times and classes taught by that instructor, encouraging additional bookings.

Tip: This data helps you to get a feel for the client’s schedule and the types of classes they have taken once, monthly, weekly—even daily—allowing you to make suggestions that are complementary to their needs and routine, potentially driving additional revenue.

Visits by Class

Review the total number of classes your client has taken and what percentage they are visiting each class

Tip: This data helps you to get a feel for the client’s schedule and the types of classes they have taken once, monthly, weekly—even daily—allowing you to make suggestions that are complementary to their needs and routine, potentially driving additional revenue.

Visit History

See what a clients attendance was month-over-month and throughout the year based on their visit history

Tip: Having a high-level overview of client’s visits to your studio can help you better understand their workout habits (from consistent to sporadic), equipping you to offer plans and classes that work for their schedule, needs, and goals.

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