Retail Report
Updated over a week ago

Analyze retail sales and inventory performance with the Retail Report. This report features customizable filters for time frame, location, and retail categories. Quickly view sales, profit, and tax totals for your products. Easily download the report CSV for even more detail and in-depth insights into individual sales.

Report Overview

Report type: Sales analysis and inventory management report.

Use: This report is primarily geared towards inventory management, providing insights into retail performance, and aiding in decision-making regarding product assortment and stocking strategies.

Permissions required: Reports > Retail

Filter Options

You can adjust the report's time frame, location, and retail categories, and even search for specific products. Time frame, location, and retail categories adjust the total cards at the top of the report. Product search at top of report does not filter report total cards.

Time Frame

Default: Last 30 days

  • Month by month

  • Last 3 months

  • Last 6 months

  • Custom dates (user-defined start and end dates)


  • All

  • Select specific location

Retail categories

  • Accessories

  • Food & Drink

  • Clothing

  • Rentals

  • Equipment Sales


Search by item name. Search does not filter totals at top of report.

Report Sales Tiles

The Report Sales Tiles provide an overview of sales performance, including total sales with tax, total tax amount, total profit, number of items sold, and number of items returned over a specified period.

Total Sales /w tax: Net sale including tax. The total amount before any payment processing fees are deducted, Stripe payment processing fees and payout fees, if the payment method used is a credit card.

Total Tax: Total amount taxed over the period

Total Profit: Total profit of all items sold over period. Profit is the net sale after returns and the cost of the item is deducted. Amount is before discounts and tax. The total amount before any payment processing fees are deducted, Stripe payment processing fees and payout fees, if the payment method used is a credit card.

Items Sold: Total number of items sold over the period

Items Returned: Total number of items returned over the period

Report Details

The Report Details section provides a breakdown of key metrics by item type including quantity, category, color, size, sales, discounts, tax, returns, net sales, profit, and total sales, allowing you to gain insights into product performance.

Quantity: Quantity on hand will always show the current quantity regardless of time filter selected

Item: Name of item

Category: This refers to the group to which a particular product belongs. These groups are pre-set and are as follows: Rentals, Food & Drink, Equipment Sales, Accessories, and Clothing.

Color: The color variant of the item sold

Size: The size variant of the item sold

Sold: Quantity sold

Gross sales: Total sales for the item type. The total amount before any payment processing fees are deducted, Stripe payment processing fees and payout fees, if the payment method used is a credit card.

Discounts: Total amount discounted for the item type. This is the amount discounted if the price of the item was manually changed, a percentage discount, or if a promo code was applied at checkout.

Tax: Amount taxed if item category includes tax

Returns: Total amount in returns for the specific item type

Net sales: Gross sales after discounts have been applied and before tax. The total amount before any payment processing fees are deducted, Stripe payment processing fees and payout fees, if the payment method used is a credit card.

Profit: Net sales after returns and the cost of the item is deducted. Amount is before discounts and tax. The total amount before any payment processing fees are deducted, Stripe payment processing fees and payout fees, if the payment method used is a credit card.

Total: Net sales including tax

CSV Export

The CSV export lists more information than the in-product report. The CSV export lists the following information:

Sale Date: This is the date when the sale occurred. If the line item was a refund this will be the date the item was returned.

Location: The location the sale took place

Barcode: The numerical identifier assigned to the product for tracking. Currently Walla does not support a barcode scanner

Item: The name of the product sold

Color: The color variant of the item sold

Size: The size variant of the item sold

Category: This refers to the group to which a particular product belongs. These groups are pre-set and are as follows: Rentals, Food & Drink, Equipment Sales, Accessories, and Clothing.

Transaction Type: Indicates the type of transaction, sale or return

# Sold: The quantity of the item sold

Gross Sale: Selling price before discounts and tax. Amount is before Stripe payment processing fee and payout fee is deducted, if credit card is payment method

Wholesale Price: The cost incurred by you purchase the item from the supplier

Discount: Total amount discounted for the item type. This is the amount discounted if the price of the item was manually changed, a percentage discount, or if a promo code was applied at checkout.

Tax: The amount of sales tax collected on the transaction

Returns: The total amount returned to the client

Net Sales: Gross sale after discounts have been applied and before tax. The total amount before any payment processing fees are deducted, Stripe payment processing fees and payout fees, if the payment method used is a credit card.

Profit: Net sale after returns and the cost of the item is deducted. Amount is before discounts and tax. The total amount before any payment processing fees are deducted, Stripe payment processing fees and payout fees, if the payment method used is a credit card.

Total + Tax: Net sale including tax. The total amount before any payment processing fees are deducted, Stripe payment processing fees and payout fees, if the payment method used is a credit card.

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