Payouts Report
Updated this week

The Payouts Report is a record of deposits to your bank account and contains all credit card transactions that take place via your account. You can find a summary of each payout as well as details for each payout, and an export CSV that breaks down each transaction, includes transaction fees, and taxes.

About this Report

This report has multiple sections that track money deposited to your bank account from all credit card transactions. This report includes both the Stripe merchant fee and the Stripe payout fee Use this report to view credit card transaction payments and the batches of credit card payments, also known as payouts. The Payout Report is designed to provide a financial overview of credit card transactions, focusing on details such as transaction amounts, fees, and recipient information, and excludes detailed purchase information.

Payout Fee: The fee is deducted daily and is based on the net deposit from the day before, not the current payout. It is deducted daily Payout Fee = 0.25% (previous day's net deposit) + 0.25.

Merchant Fee (Transaction Fee): Online payments, keyed, stored cards 2.9% + 30¢ per transaction or In-person payments through Terminal 2.7% + 5¢ per transaction


Locations, designated under the Company Info section found in Business Settings, are directly linked to a bank account, dictating the destination for transactions. As customers make purchases, products or services are specifically allocated to either a physical or virtual location within the Walla backend. Transactions are directed to the designated bank account based on the location assigned to the bank account under Business Settings. When a customer completes a purchase, the product or service is specifically allocated to either a physical or virtual location on the backend in Walla.

Purchases assigned to the virtual location include Video On Demand (VOD) plans, livestream-only plans, livestream-only drop-in purchases for classes, livestream appointments, and livestream-only enrollment spots. For transactions that are assigned to a virtual location, the corresponding funds are deposited into the bank account tied to the purchasing customer's designated home location, a specification made within their client profile.

Payout Tile Totals

The tile totals change based on the date range selected.

Net Paid

Net Paid is the total amount you receive, including taxes, after deducting the Stripe Merchant Fee and Payout Fee from the Gross Amount. It encompasses the sum of the Gross Amount, Merchant Fee, and Payout Fee.

Net Paid=Gross Amount−(Merchant Fee+Payout Fee)Net Paid=Gross Amount−(Merchant Fee+Payout Fee)

Net in Transit

Net in Transit represents the total of all amounts in the "in transit" status on the Payouts tab. This includes payments that are currently being processed or are in transit from clients to your bank. The total in transit is calculated by summing the amounts in the "in transit" status, minus the Stripe Merchant Fees and the Payout Fee.

Total in Transit=Sum of Amounts in "in transit" status−(Stripe Merchant Fees+Payout Fee)Total in Transit=Sum of Amounts in "in transit" status−(Stripe Merchant Fees+Payout Fee)

Gross Pending

Gross Pending is the total of all amounts in the "Payments Pending Payout" tab table. This includes the sum of payments in a "pending" status, representing payouts that have not yet been completed or received by the intended recipients. The total in pending status includes taxes and is calculated before deducting the Stripe Merchant Fee and the Payout Fee.

Gross Pending=Total of Amounts in "Payments Pending Payout" tab−(Stripe Merchant Fee+Payout Fee)Gross Pending=Total of Amounts in "Payments Pending Payout" tab−(Stripe Merchant Fee+Payout Fee)

Payouts Tab

Date: Date payout was sent to bank

Bank account: Name of bank and last 4 of the account number payout was sent to

Gross Amount: This is the total amount of the payout before any deductions. It represents the initial or original payment without considering fees and including taxes

Merchant Fee: Total fees collected by Stripe for each transaction in the payout. Online/keyed transactions with stored cards: 2.9% + 30 cents; in-person payments with Terminal: 2.7% + 5 cents.

Payout Fee: The fee is based on the net deposit from the day before, not the current payout. Payout Fee = 0.25% (previous day's net deposit) + 0.25.

Net deposit: The amount available for payout after deducting the total Merchant Fee and Payout Fee from the Gross Amount. It represents the actual funds that will be transferred to your bank account.

Status: In Transit, Paid, Failed, Cancelled

Payments Pending Payout Tab

Amount: Total payments in pending status

Account: Name of bank and last 4 of the account number payment was sent to

Type: Subscription, Invoice, Fee, Chargeback withdrawal

Location: Location payment was sent to

Customer: First initial, last name, and email of customer

Paid on: Date of transaction

Payout Detail


Amount: Gross total - fees paid of all payments on payout

Date Paid: Date payout was sent to bank

ID: Payout ID

Account Details

Account: Name of bank and last 4 of the account number payout was sent to

Type: Type of account

Summary For This Payout

Total Charges: Total transactions processed

Refunds: Refunds processed for the selected date range

Adjustments: Chargebacks

Transfers: Payout fee deducted from payout. The fee is based on the net deposit from the day before, not the current payout. Payout Fee = 0.25% (previous day's net deposit) + 0.25.

Selecting the downward arrow under Refunds and Adjustments, Transfers, and Totals displays a subsection that breaks down the totals for each section for specific locations.

Transaction Detail for this Payout

Within this section, you'll discover details about the payment type, the total gross amount paid, a description of the payment, the transaction location, the client associated with the transaction, and the date the transaction occurred

Type: Charge, adjustments, transfer

Gross: The total amount including taxes without the Stripe Transaction Fees and Payouts Fee deducted. This does include any refunds made as part of this payout.

Description: Invoice, Cancelation/ No-Sho fee charges, refunds, chargebacks, Payment for gift card(s)

Location: Location payment was sent to

Client: First initial, last name, and email of customer

Date: Date payment was processed

Payout Fee and Merchant Transaction Fees (Video)

In this video we go over the ins and outs of managing your merchant processing fees and payout fees across quarterly, monthly, or annual periods. Utilize the Payout Report to efficiently track daily payouts, reconcile transactions, and gain a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies related to merchant fees within the realm of Stripe payment processing:

Payout Fee

The payout fee is calculated as .25% of the previous day's net deposit plus an additional 25 cents. The payout fee is calculated based on the net deposit from the previous day, not on the same day as the transaction. This deliberate delay allows the system enough time to finalize and reconcile transactions before applying fees. The processing time introduces a consistent and predictable calculation approach, ensuring accuracy in fee assessments.

Daily fluctuations in transaction volumes and amounts can make it challenging to manage and predict fees accurately if calculated on the same day. By utilizing the previous day's net deposit as the basis for fees, the system aims for more stability and predictability in fee calculations. This approach mitigates the risks associated with varying transaction volumes throughout the day. The intentional delay in calculating payout fees provides a more reliable and controlled environment for accurate financial reconciliation.

Consider the following example, which highlights why adopting this approach is considered best practice:

On a given day (Day 1), customers make various credit card payments. However, instead of applying fees immediately on Day 1, the system waits until the next day (Day 2) to calculate fees based on the net deposit from Day 1.

Example Scenario:

  • Day 1 (Transaction Date): Customers make credit card payments totaling $1,000.

  • Nightly Processing (End of Day 1 to Start of Day 2): The system reviews and finalizes transactions, ensuring accuracy.

  • Day 2 (Fee Calculation Date): The system calculates fees based on the net deposit from Day 1, which might be $980 after deducting transaction fees.

This approach provides processing time for accurate reconciliation and stability, allowing the system to consistently apply fees based on the net deposit from the previous day. If you attempt to calculate fees on the same day as transactions occur, you run the risk of encountering inaccuracies and unpredictability in fee calculations. Here are some potential risks:

  1. Incomplete Transaction Data: Calculating fees on the same day may not consider all transactions if some are still in transit or pending. This could lead to an incomplete picture of your daily financial activity.

  2. Fluctuating Transaction Volumes: Daily fluctuations in transaction volumes and amounts can make it challenging to predict the exact fee amounts accurately. Transactions may continue to occur throughout the day, impacting the total volume.

  3. Unsettled Transactions: Some transactions might be in a state of flux, especially if they involve processing delays or are pending authorization. Applying fees before transactions are finalized can result in discrepancies.

Merchant Transaction Fee

The Merchant Fee, also known as a payment fee or transaction fee, is a cost collected by Stripe for processing payments. For online payments or when you manually enter card details (keyed), and for transactions involving stored cards, the fee is 2.9% of the transaction amount plus an additional 30 cents. For in-person payments using a card reader (Terminal), the fee is 2.7% of the transaction amount plus an extra 5 cents.

Example: If someone pays you $10 online, the Merchant Fee would be 2.9% of $10 (which is $0.29) plus an extra 30 cents, totaling $0.29 + $0.30 = $0.59.

For in-person payments using a card reader (Terminal), the fee is 2.7% of the transaction amount plus an extra 5 cents.

Example: If you process a $20 payment in person, the Merchant Fee would be 2.7% of $20 (which is $0.54) plus an extra 5 cents, totaling $0.54 + $0.05 = $0.59.

Payout Summary CSV Export

Record Id: It's like a unique ID for a piece of information in a database and can be used to match across other Walla financial reports.

Status: Current status of the payout. The status can be paid, pending, in_transit, canceled, or failed. A payout is pending until it's submitted to the bank, when it becomes in_transit. The status changes to paid if the transaction succeeds or to failed or canceled (within 5 business days). Some payouts that fail might initially show as paid, then change to failed.

Stripe Payout Id: An ID assigned by Stripe for a payout.

Net Deposit: The actual amount of money you receive after deducting the payout and merchant transaction fees.

Payout Fee: The payout fee is a charge collected by Stripe when you transfer money from your Stripe account to your bank account. It consists of two parts: 0.25% of the payout amount plus an additional 25 cents for each payout.

Merch Fee: The merchant transaction fee, also known as a payment fee or transaction fee, is a cost collected by Stripe for processing payments. For online payments or when you manually enter card details (keyed), and for transactions involving stored cards, the fee is 2.9% of the transaction amount plus an additional 30 cents. For in-person payments using a card reader (Terminal), the fee is 2.7% of the transaction amount plus an extra 5 cents.

Gross Amount: The total sales amount before deducting any fees.

Original Payout: If the payout reverses another, this is the ID of the original payout.

Balance Transaction: Stripe balance transaction id of the balance transaction that describes the impact of this payout on your account balance.

Failure Balance Transaction: Stripe balance transaction id when the status is failed. If the payout fails or cancels, this is the ID of the balance transaction that reverses the initial balance transaction and returns the funds from the failed payout back in your balance.

Failure Code: Failure code. Error code that provides a reason for a payout failure, if available.

Reversed By: If the payout reverses, this is the ID of the payout that reverses this payout.

Arrival Date: Arrival date of payout. The date that you can expect the payout to arrive in the bank.

Creation Date: The date when the payout record was created.

Payout Method: Payout method from Stripe, usually standard.

Payout Type: Specifies where the payout is going to.

Source Type: The source the payout came from

Payout Detail CSV Export

Amount: Gross total - fees paid

Account: Name of bank and last 4 of the account number payment was sent to

Type: OneTimeCharge, Invoice

Location: Location payment was sent to

Customer: First initial, last name, and email of customer

Paid on: Date of transaction

Common Questions

Why is it not recommended to reconcile the Payouts report with the Sales (accrual) report?

You do not want to try and match this report to the Sales report for multiple reasons. The Sales report displays the redemption of a gift card and the Payouts report will show the purchase of a gift card as long as it was purchased with a credit card. The Sales report uses amortization, which is a different accounting basis than what is used in the Payouts report. Also, if you pull the Sales or Cash report for the same date range as the Payouts report, you will get different totals for your processes payments for the day. The reason being is that the Payouts report for the same day will most likely batch payments from different days.

Why is there a discrepancy between the total payout fee and the payout for the same day? The total payout fee does not match the expected 0.25% + 25¢ for the same-day payout.

The discrepancy between the total payout fee and the expected 0.25% + 25¢ for the same-day payout can be attributed to the fact that the payout fee is calculated based on the net deposit from the previous day, not on the same day as the transaction. This intentional delay allows the system sufficient time to finalize and reconcile transactions before applying fees, ensuring a consistent and predictable calculation approach.

Why is one of my payouts showing a negative amount?

On a particular day, if there are no sales, but the previous day witnessed successful transactions, the negative payout is due to the payout fee associated with that previous day's sales. In response to this "negative balance", Stripe automatically initiates a payout to rectify the situation. The payout involves debiting the necessary amount from your linked bank account to cover the payout fee for the previous day's sales.

Why is it that the Payout Report does not include specific details about the items or services purchased in a transaction?

In general, a payouts report might not always include details about the specific items or products that were paid for in a transaction. The focus of a payouts report is typically on the financial aspects of the transaction, such as the amount paid, transaction fees, recipient details, and other relevant financial information. Information about the actual items or products may be found in Walla's other financial reports depending on the nature of the transaction.

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