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Payouts Report
Updated over a week ago

What is the Payouts Report?

The Payouts Report is your complete record of money flowing into your business from credit card transactions. It shows:

  • Deposits to your bank account

  • All credit card transactions

  • Fees associated with these transactions

Why This Report Matters

  1. Tracks all credit card payments

  2. Shows fees deducted (both Stripe merchant fees and payout fees)

  3. Helps you reconcile your bank deposits with your sales

Key Sections of the Report

Payout Tile Totals

These tiles give you a quick financial snapshot. They change based on your selected date range.

Net Paid

What it is: The total amount you actually receive

Includes: Payments and taxes, minus Stripe fees

Calculation: Net Paid = Gross Amount - (Merchant Fee + Payout Fee)

Net in Transit

What it is: Money on its way to your bank

Includes: Payments being processed minus Stripe fees

Calculation: Total in Transit = Sum of "in transit" amounts - (Stripe Merchant Fees + Payout Fee)

Gross Pending

What it is: Payments waiting to be processed

Includes: All pending payments before fee deductions

Calculation: Gross Pending = Total of "Payments Pending Payout" - (Stripe Merchant Fee + Payout Fee)

Payouts Tab

This tab shows details of each payout to your bank.

Columns include:

  • Date: When the payout was sent to your bank

  • Bank account: Where the money went (last 4 digits shown)

  • Gross Amount: Total before fees

  • Merchant Fee: Stripe's transaction fee

  • Payout Fee: Stripe's fee for sending money to your bank

  • Net deposit: What actually hits your bank account

  • Status: In Transit, Paid, Failed, or Cancelled

Payments Pending Payout Tab

This shows payments not yet included in a payout.

Columns include:

  • Amount: Total of pending payments

  • Account: Bank account details

  • Type: Subscription, Invoice or Fee

  • Location: Where the payment was processed

  • Customer: Who made the payment (first initial, last name, email)

  • Paid on: Transaction date

Payout Detail

Click on a specific payout to see:


  • Amount: Total payout minus fees

  • Date Paid: When it went to your bank

  • ID: Unique payout identifier

Account Details

  • Account: Your bank info

  • Type: Account type

Summary For This Payout

  • Total Charges: All transactions processed

  • Refunds: Money returned to customers

  • Transfers: Payout fee details

Transaction Detail for this Payout

  • Type: Charge, adjustment, or transfer

  • Gross: Total amount including taxes

  • Description: What the payment was for

  • Location: Where it was processed

  • Client: Who paid

  • Date: When it happened

Understanding Payout Fees

Payout Fee

What it is: Stripe's charge for sending money to your bank

How it's calculated: 0.25% of the previous day's net deposit + $0.25

When it's charged: Daily, based on the previous day's activity


Day 1: You process $1,000 in payments

Day 2: Payout fee = ($1,000 * 0.0025) + $0.25 = $2.75

Merchant Transaction Fee

What it is: Stripe's charge for processing payments

For online payments: 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction

For in-person payments: 2.7% + $0.05 per transaction


  1. $100 online payment: Fee = ($100 * 0.029) + $0.30 = $3.20

  2. $100 in-person payment: Fee = ($100 * 0.027) + $0.05 = $2.75

Locations in Your Report

  • Each location links to a specific bank account

  • Physical locations: Your actual business sites

  • Virtual locations: For online services (e.g., video classes, livestreams)

  • Virtual transaction deposits go to the customer's home location bank account

Exporting Your Data

Payout Summary CSV


  • Record Id: Unique identifier

  • Status: Paid, pending, in_transit, canceled, or failed

  • Stripe Payout Id: Stripe's unique ID

  • Net Deposit: Amount after fees

  • Payout Fee: Fee for bank transfer

  • Merchant Fee: Transaction processing fee

  • Gross Amount: Total before fees

  • Other details: Original payout info, balance transactions, failure codes

Payout Detail CSV


  • Amount: Total minus fees

  • Account: Bank details

  • Type: Payment type

  • Location: Where processed

  • Customer: Who paid

  • Paid on: Transaction date


Why doesn't this total match my Sales Report?

They use different accounting methods. The Sales Report shows when services are used, while the Payouts Report shows when money is received.

Why is my payout fee different from what I expected?

It's based on the previous day's net deposit, not the current day's transactions.

Why do I sometimes see a negative payout?

This can happen if you had no sales one day, but there's still a payout fee from the previous day.

Why doesn't the report show what was purchased?

It focuses on financial transactions, not specific items or services. Check other reports for purchase details.

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