Plan Retention Report
Updated over a week ago

In this report, we analyze cohort data to improve your retention strategies by understanding customer behavior over time. By studying cohorts, different groups of customers based on when they initiated their plans, known as cohorts, we can identify trends, areas for improvement, and tailor tactics to enhance customer retention and foster long-term relationships.

Plan Retention Report Video

This video will provide you with all the tools and insights you need to evaluate how your plans are doing and make smart decisions about whether to keep or change them: Plan Retention Report Video

Annual Numbers

The Plan Retention Report offers real-time insights into structuring membership offers, nurturing long-term client relationships, and boosting revenue. The retention heat map offers an intuitive way to visualize plan retention rates. After the report generates, hover on any of the boxes to see the exact numbers that have retained from the original start date.

From the drop-down choose one or more plans. It is important to note that plans need a full year of historical data to appear on the report.
​Start month is the month the plan started.
​Quantity refers to the number of plans that have started, with all plans totaled at the bottom.

% of Original Value Retained After Each Month Since Start refers to the percentage of the initial value of a plan that is still active for each month since the plan started. It measures how much of the plan's value remains retained over time, providing insight into the retention performance of the plan at various stages since its initiation.

Heat map key

  • Darkest 100%

  • Darker 75-99%

  • Dark 50-75%

  • Lighter Dark 25-50%

  • Light 0-25%

The data is organized in specific time intervals:

  • 1-12 months

  • 24 months

  • 36 months

  • 48 months

  • 60 months

If the business isn't old enough to fit exactly into one of these intervals, it will adjust accordingly. For example, if the business is 27 months old, the intervals shown would be:

  • 1-12 months

  • 24 months

  • 27 months

Churn Details for Plans Started

Select a month from the drop-down. A section will be generated for each selected plan. If there is no data to be displayed the Churn Details for Plans for the specific plan will be blank.

Plans Started is the total plans started during the selected period.
​Plan Price/mo is the calculated average price paid by clients for this cohort per month. For monthly and annual plans, this is the monthly price listed for the plan in Walla. For usage-based plans without a fixed monthly price, it's the total price paid during the period divided by the number of months in the period.
For example: If the period you're viewing is 10 months long (ie. the cohort started 10 months ago) and the total price paid for all usage-based 5-packs is $3,000, the plan price/mo is $3,000/10 divided by the number of plans.

The Lifetime Value (LTV) is calculated by dividing the average price paid for a plan over the course of one year by the churn rate. The LifeTime Value of a client is a calculation of how much someone buying a plan is likely to spend on that plan before they leave/churn. To arrive at that number, we take the average number of months a plan is active multiplied by the current cost of that plan. So if the average plan is held for 5 months and the price of the plan is $100, the LTV is $500.
To calculate the average number of months we look at the actual number of months a plan is held based on the cohort start date to the date they churn. If a plan is not yet churned, we'll set the cap at 60 months. Therefore, the lifetime of all unchurned plans is 5 years. As you will see, looking at lifetime value for recent cohorts (where the majority of plans are still active) won't give you a very accurate picture. Contrarily, an older cohort where all plans have churned will give you great insight.

Monthly Churn is the percentage of plans you've lost. Monthly churn for a cohort measures churn from one month to the next.

Retained Customers is the number of clients who have kept their plan from the previous month to the current month.
​Lost Customers is number of clients who ended their plan from the current month compared to the number of customers who retained the same plan from the previous month.
​When plans are counted: If a client's plan starts on June 16 and they complete a month-long contract (ending July 16), they will be counted in June. However, if they continue for another month (ending August 16), they will be counted in July. But if the client cancels their plan or it expires before the end of the month (for example, on July 1), then they won't be counted in June and will be counted as lost.
​Paused plans: Paused plans count as retained and do not affect the retention numbers.

Cohort List

The Cohort List table lists the following specific details and can be exported:
​Client first and last nameStart date: Date the plan started
​End date: If auto renewing leave blank
​Status: Active, expired/completed (if upgrade or downgrade list that as the status), cancelled

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