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Plan Change
Updated over a week ago

Things to Know

  • Upcoming bookings made with the old plan that take place on or after the date of the Plan Change are canceled when the Plan Change takes place. The new plan will have no bookings associated with it.

  • Should a client need to book into their upcoming billing period while awaiting a Plan Change, it will be necessary to use comp passes and then deduct from the other plan once it is live, OR cancel the current plan for a future date, and sell a new plan altogether starting on first visit. They will be charged immediately but they will not start the plan until the first booking. Important to note your existing Payroll Settings when utilizing comp passes in situations like this.

  • A Cancellation Notification is not sent when upcoming bookings are canceled

  • The price of the new plan can not be adjusted. If you'd like to have the price of the new plan discounted, create a new plan under Plan Management and setup the Plan Change to change into the new plan

  • A Plan Change will take place if there is an end of cycle cancelation scheduled. When a plan cancelation is scheduled before the Plan Change takes place, (end of cycle), the plan will cancel and the Plan Change will not take place.

To change a plan follow these steps:

  1. From the client's profile, navigate to their Overview tab. Scroll down to the plan you'd like to change and click Change Plan in the side menu.

  2. Select from eligible plans to switch to.

  3. Plans can only be changed on cycle. Meaning the client's plan will switch to the new plan once their next payment is due.

  4. Indicate if it is an Upgrade, Downgrade, or Neither, then select.

  5. Once the change is in place the plan tile will state Plan Change Scheduled.

Credit Cards

If you update the credit card for all upcoming payments for the old plan, when the plan changes the new plan will reflect the updated payment method.

If you update the credit card for some of the upcoming payments for the old plan, when the plan changes the new plan will not reflect the update and all payments will use the original card on the plan.

Account Balance

If you update all or some of the upcoming payments to account balance for the old plan, when the plan changes the new plan not carry over this change. When the plan changes, account balance will not be used. It’ll go back to using the credit card that was on file for the old plan.

Gift Card

If you update all or some of the upcoming payments to gift card for the old plan, when the plan changes the new plan will not reflect the updated gift card payment method.

Payment Amounts

If you change some or all of the upcoming payments to a different amount, the new payment amounts on the old plan will not carry over to the new plan. The price of the plan is determined by what’s configured for the plan under Plan Management.

Upgrade or Downgrade

  • Choose if the plan change is an upgrade, downgrade, or neither. If marked as an upgrade or downgrade, labels are added to both the previous and new plan.

Scheduling Plan Changes

  • Plan changes can occur even when there is a scheduled cancellation on the billing date.

  • Plan changes cannot be made when a plan is paused or if a pause is scheduled.

  • Plan changes cannot be made we a plan is in a failed state.

Trial Periods and Member Discounts

  • If the plan being changed into has a trial period the new plan will not have the trial period discount applied to any payments.

  • Member discounts are not applied if there is a change in membership status or plan type.

Payment Failures

  • In the case of a payment failure during a plan change, the original plan displays "Plan Change Payment Failed” and the client is sent an email notifying them of the failed payment and failed plan change only if the Plan Change Failed email is enabled under Transactional Notifications.

  • The plan change is unsuccessful, and no action is taken on the new plan. The previous plan is marked as completed, and a "Plan Change Failed" label is added to the tile of the old plan. A new plan must be purchased, and the client is no longer eligible for a plan change if the payment fails.

Limited Usage (Refresh) Plans

Limited usage (refresh) plans change once all of the passes should be used or the at the expiration date (whichever comes first)

Common Questions

What do I do if I forget to schedule a Plan Change?

When you cancel a plan, it cancels all future bookings linked to it. So, you'll have to book those sessions again. You can check which sessions are affected in the Plan Details section of the plan found under the plan tile on the client's profile.

Why were my client's upcoming bookings canceled?

Your client's upcoming bookings were likely canceled because they made a plan change. When a plan change occurs, all future bookings associated with the old plan, scheduled on or after the plan change date, are automatically canceled. This is as expected. Currently, there is not a way to move bookings from one plan to another.

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