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Update a Credit Card for a Client's Recurring Plan
Update a Credit Card for a Client's Recurring Plan
Updated over a week ago

New credit card? Here is how you can update a client's credit card for a recurring plan. This is especially helpful if the client's payment failed and their new card needs to be retried.

Add the New Card to the Client's Profile

  1. Navigate to the client's profile

  2. Select the Overview Tab

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the Overview Tab

  4. Select + Add New Credit Card

  5. Enter the card details

  6. Save

Update the Card Associated with the Plan

  1. From the client profile Overview Tab scroll down to the plan tile

  2. Select the three dots on the top right of the plan tile

  3. Choose View Details

  4. Scroll down to the Payment Schedule

  5. Select the edit pencil next to the client's upcoming payment


  6. From the New Payment Method drop-down choose the new card

  7. Check the box Apply payment method to all future payments


  8. Save

    To remove the old card, go back to the Payment Methods section of the client's profile, select the three dots on the far right of the old card, and choose Delete to remove the old card

βœ‹ Cards used for recurring plan payments can not be updated via the Wall App. They can only be updated by staff or via a widget on your website.


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