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Why am I unable to apply a client's plan to settle their appointment?
Why am I unable to apply a client's plan to settle their appointment?
Updated over a week ago

If you're experiencing issues with payment for a specific appointment type, it's possible that the current plan is not configured to cover it, the plan was not selected when the appointment was booked, or the plan was purchased after the appointment was booked.

Check if the plan is set up to pay for the appointment type

To verify if the plan includes coverage for the appointment type:

  1. Navigate to the Appointments section within the Manage Services & Plans menu

  2. Select the desired appointment type and navigate to the Eligible Plans tab.
    This will provide you with the necessary information to determine if the plan is set up to pay for the specific appointment type you're interested in.

If the plan was not selected when the appointment was initially booked

If the the appointment plan is set up to pay for the appointment and the appointment plan is not showing up, then it is likely that pay with credit card or cash was selected initially and therefore the plan cannot be used to pay for the appointment. If you find a client's appointment cannot be settled when an eligible plan already exists on their profile follow these steps:

  1. Cancel the appointment, making sure it is an early cancel and do not sent a notification to the client

  2. Rebook the appointment and select Use a plan to pay for this appointment when rebooking

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