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Why is my client prompted to pay when they have a plan that pays for the appointment type?
Why is my client prompted to pay when they have a plan that pays for the appointment type?
Updated over a week ago

When settling up you may find you or your client are prompted for payment when they have a plan that should cover the appointment type. Here are common reasons why this may be occurring.

The plan was purchased after the appointment was booked.

If your client booked an appointment then purchased a an appointment plan, the plan will not cover the appointment. The original booking needs to be canceled and rebooked. Then the plan can be applied when the appointment is rebooked.

The plan expires before the appointment takes place.

You can extend the plan's expiry date directly from the client's profile:

  1. Under Active Plans select the three dots on the top right corner of the plan tile

  2. Choose Edit expiration date

  3. Change the date to a date after the appointment booking

  4. Save

The plan is not set up to pay for the appointment type.

From the main navigation select Plan Management and from the Appointment to Plan relationships tab you can view and edit your appointment to plan relationships.


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