Create Appointment Plans
Updated over a week ago

If you'd like your clients to pre-pay for multiple appointments or if you'd like to create a recurring appointment plan, you can create an appointment plan.

Create an Appointment Plan

In this section, we will outline the steps for creating an appointment plan with specific restrictions.

By activating this restriction, a client will be able to procure the plan only once, mirroring the behavior of an Intro Offer. Nevertheless, please be mindful that despite emulating the Intro Offer functionality, enabling this setting will not feature the plan in the Intro Offers report. Factor this into your considerations as you establish your appointment plan. Now let's get started!

Create an Appointment Plan

  1. From the Main Navigation menu select Plan Management

  2. Choose Add New Plan

  3. Select Appointment Plan

  4. Add the plan name and enter in a brief description

  5. Select if the plan starts on the Sale Date or if the plan activates on First Visit

  6. Choose to list the plan online or leave this unchecked if clients can purchase this in-studio only

  7. Restrict to only allow the client to purchase the plan once

  8. Select if the plan is unlimited or limited
    ​Unlimited Recurring: If you'd like your client to pay monthly or weekly and receive unlimited appointments with each payment
    ​Unlimited Single Upfront Payment: If you'd like your client to pay in full and receive unlimited appointments for a specified period of time
    ​Limited Subscription Based: If you'd like your client to pay monthly or weekly and receive limited appointments with each payment
    ​Usage based single pack: If you'd like your client to pay once for multiple sessions (ie. a pack)
    ​Usage based pack auto refills: If you'd like your client to pay for multiple sessions and have the pack refill when their last appointment in their pack is booked. When the last appointment in their pack is booked the client will be charged for another pack

  9. Enter a member discount if applicable

  10. Enter Perks & Benefits, Fees, Policies & Contracts

  11. Save

Assign a Plan to an Appointment Type

After creating a plan, you'll need to assign the appointment type to the plan. That way the plan can be used to pay for the appointment.

  1. From the main navigation menu select Appointments

  2. Choose the three dots to the far right of the appointment type and choose Edit

  3. Select the Eligible Plans tab

  4. Select the checkbox next to a plan to allow the plan to pay for the Appointment

  5. Save

Set Appointment to Plan Relationships

Another way to set which appointment plans pay for specific appointment via Appointment to Plan Relationships. Just like classes, you can quickly choose which plans pay for specific appointments.

To access Appointment to Plan Relationships:

  1. From the main navigation menu select Plan Management

  2. Choose Set Appointment to Plan Relationships

  3. If you'd like an appointment plan to pay for an appointment, select one of the radio buttons and choose a location

  4. Save


Where do I create single session appointment pricing?

Appointment single sessions are created under the appointment type, not under plans.

Are there appointment intro offers?

Currently, Walla does not have appointment intro offers.

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