Go Live Site Audit Checklist
Updated over a week ago

Use this checklist to conduct a self-Walla site audit prior to the day you go live to ensure your client donā€™t run into any usability issues.

Class Schedule

Take one final look at your class schedule

  • Have all the classes entered in their respective spots?

  • Got any duplicates that you need to delete?

  • Class times that you want to move or change?


Confirm your pricing for migration and selling on Walla

  • Make sure your plans that are supposed to have Livestream are marked as such.

  • If it is a limited plan, make sure it is not marked as unlimited.

  • If a plan is not set to auto-renew, is it marked as non-renewing?

  • If a plan is set to auto-renew, is it marked to do so?

Class to Plan Relationships

Tell Walla what plans pay for what classes

  • Ensure that each plan pays for the classes that you want them to pay for.

Waitlist & Cancellation Policies

  • Ensure you have the waitlist and cancellation policies in place in your business settings, location settings, and class settings.


  • Ensure that your instructors have the classes they are eligible to teach in their profile.

  • Ensure that they are linked to their correct pay rates in their profile

Widget Settings

  • Ensure that your widgets are placed in the places you want them on your website (PLEASE DON'T PUBLISH THE WIDGETS UNTIL OUR OFFICIAL AGREED UPON GO LIVE TIME)

  • Is it easy to spot where to log in?

Transactional Notifications

  • Ensure that you have the transactional emails set up and turned on (or off) depending on your needs. If necessary, edit them to your liking.

Business Settings

  • Ensure your Company Information is correct

  • Ensure your Stripe information is verified by selecting ā€œView and edit on Stripeā€

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