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Prerequisites FAQ
Updated over a week ago

Prerequisites ensures a seamless booking experience for both clients and studio staff by automating the enforcement of prerequisites. This article will guide you through the setup and management of class prerequisites, saving you time and effort while maintaining accurate client data.

What is a prerequisite?

A prerequisite is a system rule which can be assigned to your classes to ensure clients booking these services have at least the bare minimum required/recommended experience level in order to attend.

Where are these used?

Prerequisites are a class booking tool. Please see below for setup instructions.

Prerequisite Setup

Setting Up Class Prerequisites:

  • When creating a new class, you can easily assign prerequisite tags.

  • You can manually assign prerequisite tags if a client is approved for an upper-level class but hasn't met the requirement at your studio. This allows them to book online.

  • Clients without the required prerequisites will be unable to book the class. Instead, they will be instructed to "Call" the studio for further assistance.

Automated Enforcement

  • Walla will automatically enforce prerequisites when assigned to the class. You can choose from a list of existing tags or create new ones to enable them as prerequisites for booking the associated class.

  • Once a client attends the associated class, the prerequisite tag will be automatically applied to their profile. Existing clients who completed the class before a prerequisite is assigned will also automatically be considered eligible in the future but are not tagged as such.

Booking Restrictions:

  • Clients without the required prerequisite will see the "Call" button instead of "Book," indicating they are not eligible.

  • Do Prerequisites apply to people using guest passes? Yes, if the guest has a matching account with the studio and they have completed the prerequisite this is recognized.

  • Gympass and ClassPass: Prerequisite checks currently do not apply to clients using Gympass and ClassPass for integrated bookings.

Editing Class Prerequisites

Adding Prerequisites: If you add a tag as a prerequisite, clients will need to meet the new requirement moving forward.

Future Prerequisite Changes: When you edit prerequisites for an existing class, the changes will only affect future bookings. Clients already booked into the class won't be impacted.

Removing Prerequisites: Removing a tag as a prerequisite will not affect clients who already met the requirement. To delete a prerequisite from a client's profile, they must remove it manually or delete the prerequisite tag.

Existing Prerequisites: This section allows you to select classes that serve as prerequisites for the class you're editing. It will display all current prerequisites.

Free-Form Editing: This section now functions as a free-form field, providing flexibility for studios to specify prerequisites. It will appear on the widget where prerequisites are displayed today.

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