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Client Tags
Updated over a week ago

Client tags act as a layer of additional client information by which you can mark, batch, and search for clients. Below are instructions on adding tags and removing them. Later in this section we will demonstrate how to search via tags.

Create a Tag

Follow these steps to create a tag.

  1. From the main navigation menu select Tags, located under Contact Center

  2. Select Create a Tag

  3. Enter the Tag Name and choose a tag color

  4. Select Submit

Once a tag is created you can tag select clients via the Contacts page. You can then use the tagged clients filter to display just the clients with the attached tag.

Tag Individual Clients

Follow these steps to tag individual clients.

  1. From the main navigation menu select Contacts

  2. Select individual clients to tag on the list by checking the box next to the individual client

  3. After selecting clients, from the top of the Contacts page select Actions

  4. Choose Tagged Selected

  5. Select the tags you want to attach to the selected clients

  6. Choose Submit

Tag All Clients

Follow these steps to tag all clients.

  1. Check the checkbox at the top of the header row to select all clients on the page. Increase the number of displayed clients to 100 by adjusting the Rows per page count at the bottom of the page.

  2. Scroll down and click the right arrow to move to the next page of clients.

  3. Check the header checkbox again to select all clients on the second page. Repeat this process for subsequent pages until you reach the last page.

  4. Once all clients are selected, click on Actions at the top of the Contacts page.

  5. Choose Tagged Selected and select the desired tags to attach to the selected clients.

  6. Click Submit to apply the selected tags to the clients.

Remove a Tag from a Group of Clients

Follow these steps to remove a tag from a group of clients.

  1. From the main navigation menu select Contacts

  2. Filter by Tag Type

  3. Select the checkbox at the top of the header row to select all clients on the page

  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select the right forward arrow

  5. Check the header checkbox at the top of the contact page to add select the second page of clients

  6. Continue the process until you’ve reached the final page

  7. You now have all clients selected

  8. After selecting clients, from the top of the Contacts page select Actions

  9. Choose Tagged Selected

  10. Uncheck the box next to the tag type you want to remove

  11. Choose Submit

Remove a Tag from Select Clients

Follow these steps to remove a tag from select clients.

  1. From the main navigation menu select Contacts

  2. Select individual clients to tag on the list by checking the box next to the individual client

  3. After selecting clients, from the top of the Contacts page select Actions

  4. Choose Tagged Selected

  5. Uncheck the box next to the tag type you want to remove

  6. Choose Submit

Search by Tag

Once you have populated your site with tagged clients, you can use the Tag Search function to pull them up on demand.

Follow these steps to search by a specific tag.

  1. Go to Contacts under the Contacts Center

  2. Open the Tag dropdown menu

  3. Select all tags that you want to search by.

Note that searches results are dependent only upon the presence of a single given tag in the selected list, not all tags checked. If you create five tags and tick three of them, anyone with any of those three tags listed will come as a result.

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