Accept HSA/FSA
Updated over a week ago

When you create your Walla account for payment processing, a Stripe Connect account is made automatically to handle payments. Walla coordinates with Stripe to manage this account and handle any necessary updates.

To accept HSA/FSA cards, your business needs to fall under the medical industry category registered with your Stripe Connected account. The list of medical industry options to choose from can be found here.

Your onboarding lead or support team will assist in setting this industry category for you. Once the category is selected, Stripe will carefully examine your services and website to ensure they align with their standards. Based on this review, Stripe assigns the appropriate Merchant Category Code (MCC). Stripe will confirm eligibility, then designate the MCC to 8099 for your account, allowing you to accept HSA/FSA cards.

HSA/FSA coverage can vary. Review the summary of eligible purchases here: IRS Publication 502.

As a business, it's your responsibility to ensure that your services and products are eligible purchases under HSA/FSA.

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