Create Unlimited and Limited Plans
Updated over a week ago

Walla’s Unlimited & Limited plan model enables you to set up, edit, and structure memberships that are one-time, or auto-pay (subscription-based), limited to a certain number of classes, or unlimited access to the classes of your choice. To add a new membership, you will need to choose Unlimited & Limited from the Client Access Setup and add information into the following sections.

TIP: Upload your waivers, policies, and contracts under Business Settings before adding new plans so you can easily select them from the dropdown list.

If you want to make a new plan for your studio, just follow these simple steps:

1. Go to Plan Management in the main menu.
2. Click on the "+ Add New Plan" button on the section page.

You'll see different types of plans you can choose from:

Intro Offers: These are for new clients only.

Unlimited & Limited: These plans automatically renew and have options for many or a set number of classes.

VOD Only Pass: This plan gives access only to the online class library but can be combined with other plans.

Credit Bundles: Clients can buy credits to use later.

Comp Pass: This is a free class pass for all studio locations.

Appointment Plans: Plans for classes only.

Create Unlimited and Limited Plans

If you want to make plans with unlimited classes or a set number of classes, here's what to do.

1. Name, Description, Availability:

  • Give your plan a name and write a description so people know what it's about.

  • Say which types of classes are included (in-studio, livestream, etc.).

  • Determine when the plan should start (on date of purchase or date of first visit).

  • Decide when the first payment is due (immediately on check-out or on the plan start date) - learn more about this feature here

  • Decide if people can buy this plan online.

  • Choose who can buy it (everyone or certain groups).

  • Set the membership status linked to the plan.

2. Type, Price & Terms:

Unlimited Class Bookings: Decide how much your unlimited plan costs and how long people need to commit. After that, you can let them cancel without any penalties. You can decide on the specific classes later.

Limited Number of Classes: Choose the price for a limited plan (like a 10-class card) and how long clients have to use it before it expires. You can even set it up to automatically buy a new plan for them when they finish the current one. You can also choose the classes later.

Introductory Discount: You can give people a discount for the first few payments, like 25% off. After that, they pay the regular price.

Member Discount: If this plan is for extra services, you can give a discount to people who are already members.

3. Perks & Benefits:

  • List any extras you want to offer with the plan (like free mat rentals).

  • Decide if Video-on-demand is included and if there are any fees for leaving the plan early.

  • Policies & Contracts: It's a good idea to have some rules for plans that renew automatically.

Once you've figured out all these details, you can choose which classes and studio locations are available for people who get this new plan.

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