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How to price drop-in or single classes
How to price drop-in or single classes
Updated over a week ago

In Walla, the setting up of drop-in pricing takes a distinct approach – it occurs during the class scheduling process. While this might take some time to get used to, it ultimately streamlines the experience by combining scheduling and pricing into a single step. This unique feature simplifies the process, eliminating the need for separate pricing management steps.

Unless the Class is Free, Don’t Put $0

A crucial note of caution: While setting prices, it's important not to input $0 for both member and non-member pricing unless the class is entirely free. A $0 drop-in price offers a free class.

Member and Non-member Drop-in Pricing

If your drop-in pricing is the same for both members and non-members, enter the same amount into both fields. Consider a client with a four-times-a-month membership who wants to attend a fifth class within the same month. To cater to this, you can provide a discounted rate compared to the standard drop-in rate.

$0 Member Drop-in Pricing Gives Your Members Free Classes

When $0 is entered for member drop-in pricing, it means that members can book a class for free, or they can use their existing plan to pay for the class if their plan is set up to pay for the class.

It's very likely you don't plan to offer both options. The class-to-plan relationship lets clients use their plan to book a class, not the amount entered under member drop-in pricing. If you want to give members a discounted drop-in price, enter a different value for member drop-in pricing. Otherwise, if you want everyone to pay the same drop-in price, just enter the same amount for both member and non-member drop-in pricing.

Even if you enter the same amount for both, plans can still be used to pay for the class!

Where you set up drop-in pricing: Under the class, not as a plan or under Plan Management

Remember, the drop-in pricing is not the same as setting up your pricing under plan management. Since session plans will not be classified as drop-ins under reports and single session plans do not appear as drop-ins. Only drop-ins created under the class itself appear as drop-ins at checkout.

No Unused Drop-ins

When a drop-in is returned, it is returned to the client’s original payment method or to an account balance. Drop-ins do not sit on a client’s account for later use.

Livestream vs. In-Person Pricing

Sometimes, different formats call for different pricing. When you have livestream classes alongside in-person sessions, you can offer distinct prices – $15 for livestream and $18 for in-person.

Again, remember the significance of not setting both member and non-member rates to $0 unless the class is genuinely free. Stay mindful of the difference between drop-in pricing and plan management, and you're all set to create a tailored pricing experience that resonates with your clientele.

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