Google Lead Forms
Updated this week

👉 This feature is available for studios with Walla's Marketing Suite

Syncing Google Lead Forms with Walla

Sync Google lead forms with Walla. Create lead forms in your Google account and once set up, lead information will populate into Walla. Once synced, the widget will send data back to your Google Analytics dashboard. Lead form responses are available on the Lead Intake page in Walla's Marketing Suite.

Setting Up Google Lead Form Sync

Setting up is relatively straight forward. You need to already have a Google lead form set up that you want to sync with Walla. From there, they need to follow these steps:.

  1. From the main navigation menu select Marketing Center

  2. Select Lead Form under on the ‘Lead Form’ option

  3. Once you're in the Lead Form section, you'll see a dialog box

  4. From the dialog, copy the first link listed

  5. Go back to your Google account where you set up the lead form

  6. Locate the ‘Lead delivery option’ for the form within your Google account settings

  7. Paste the URL from Walla that you copied earlier inside the ‘Webhook URL’ field in the Google lead delivery options

  8. Go back to Walla and copy the second link provided

  9. Return to your Google account settings and paste the second link from Walla into the ‘Key’ field

    Once both URLs are pasted in their respective places, the integration is complete!

Viewing Google Lead Forms in Walla

Once set up, you’ll now be able to view your Google Lead forms inside of the ‘Lead Intake’ page in Walla. If you have native lead forms that you have created in Walla, those will be there too. You can drill down into responses on your Google Lead Forms just like you can with our Walla lead forms.

Using Google Lead Forms in Marketing Automations

Google Lead forms will also be available for use in Marketing Automations, just like our Walla Lead Forms. In the Lead Form Completed condition, you can select the Google lead form to trigger automations when clients have completed that form.

Data Synced to Walla

In the Walla Marketing Suite, easily copy and enter your Google Tag ID into Walla—and the widget will send data back to your Google Analytics dashboard!

  • Visitor widget page views

  • Checkout flow for plans, classes appointments, and enrollments

  • Value, item name, and category purchase information

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