You can make a payment online and manage your booking here.
Prior to the payment deadline
All mandatory questions on the booking page must be answered prior to making payment. If the 'make payment' button is not visible on your booking, it's likely you will need to answer some questions. Please click 'edit' and ensure all options and questions have been selected. You can check this by looking at the status of each section. If there are answers missing, these will be marked by a red exclamation point. Once all questions have been answered, a tick will appear.
Once you have gone through all questions, please click 'continue' and you will then be able to make payment.
Post payment deadline
Once the payment deadline for your trip has passed, you will no longer be able to edit your booking options. You will need to complete any unanswered questions prior to proceeding to the payment page.
If you are still having issues and/or you are trying to make payment after your payment deadline please contact the customer service team through the chat feature or by email and the team will be able to assist further.ย