If you have a complaint about the insurance you have selected first please contact NUCO at info@nucotravel.com and we will do our best to resolve your complaint.
If your complaint is about the sale of your policy please direct this to the Complaints Team - ROCK Insurance Group at complaints@rockinsurance.com or by contacting them by phone on 01293 885 970.
If your complaint relates to a claim on your policy please direct this to Complaints Team - AXA Partners at claimcomplaints@axa-assistance.co.uk or by contacting them by phone on 02405 177 895
When you make contact to either NUCO, ROCK Insurance Group or AXAPartners, please provide the following information:
• Your name, address and postcode, telephone number, and email address.
• Your policy number and/or claim number and the type of policy you hold.
• The reason for your complaint.
• Any written correspondence should be headed ‘COMPLAINT’ and you may include copies of supporting material.