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How to add a branch

Sometimes, we'll need branches depending on where our offices are located. Find out how to create one with this article.

Joe Marris avatar
Written by Joe Marris
Updated over a week ago

Using branches on the WebCargo platform can be a useful tool and, when used effectively, can be used to choose which settings your users can use and see on the platform.

Important: Using the branches tool will allow you to run reports on quotes from individual branch locations, along with limiting access to quotes on a branch level. You will need to contact a member of WebCargo or your account manager to activate this if you don’t already.

  1. Activate branches

If the option to create branches is not available on your system, please contact your account manager to assist. You can check availability by having an Admin or Super Admin user to go Settings -> Users. If branches are active on your system, you will see the option available as per below:

2. Add a Branch

Once you have made sure that branches are available on your system, go to Settings -> Users and choose Branches from the dropdown. Then click on the ‘+’ symbol at the top right of the branch results.

When the ‘Add Branch’ pop-up appears, enter the name of the branch in the branch field. It is the only field that is mandatory. You can also fill in other fields to have the branch address appear on quotations issued by this branch. Once completed, click on the blue "Add" button.  You can repeat this for all other branches.

Nice work! You’ve managed to create your own. To find out how to assign these branches to specific users, click here

Not able to access branches? Contact a member of our team now by clicking on the chat bubble in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. We’ll talk you through how you can get these on your account.

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