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How to manage homepage news sections
How to manage homepage news sections

Find out how you can control and add your own news sections including from RSS sources.

Joe Marris avatar
Written by Joe Marris
Updated over a week ago

If you’re an admin or a super admin, you can control what news is visible on your WebCargo homepage.

Watch the following video to find out how to manage the news stories on your homepage, or continue to read the article.

In this article, you'll find out how you can control and add your own news sections including those from external sources, making sure your team always has the most up-to-date information.

Here's an example of how the news section looks on the homepage.

By default, you will see Market news and Internal news. But let’s have a look at how you can control what is shown here.

1. Adding News manually

Firstly, click on Settings and then the subheading Home page. From here you’ll be able to see three separate options: News, Sections and Internal News.

With the News subheading, you can add individual news stories that are relevant to your business. Click on the + symbol to add a new news story.

You’ll then be prompted with a pop-up to enter all of the information about your news story.

Add a title for your news story, upload a relevant file or PDF, select the company logo, and, if you have added other news sections, choose which section it should be shown under. To find out how to add other news sections, skip to step 2.

Important: it is mandatory to select a logo, a title and enter text. You will not be able to save without doing this.

Once you have added the news information, click Add which will add the story to the list. Bear in mind that the news stories are organised from oldest to newest, so the newly added story will be towards the bottom of the page.

Your news story will be automatically published, but if you wish to remove it from view without deleting it, you can untick the box under Published. You can also edit and delete articles by clicking on either the pen and paper icon or the red rubbish can.

2. Adding sections and connecting RSS

If you want to add a separate section for your manually uploaded news or connect news sources with RSS, click on Settings, Homepage, then select Sections from the dropdown.

The default options which you will have under this section are Notifications, Internal News and Market News. However, you can add your own news sources by clicking on the plus symbol.

If you only want to add a different section name so it’s selectable from when adding a story, simply add a name under Section leaving the RSS section blank, then click Add.

Your news source should now appear at the bottom of the list. You will need to enable the news source too in order to see it on your homepage. You can also choose which order you want the news sources to appear. 1 is the first news source to be shown on the homepage and the highest number would be last.

Edit or delete the news source at any time by clicking on the pen and paper symbol or the red rubbish can.

Connecting RSS news feeds

Many websites have live news feeds called RSS. This is a web feed that allows you to access updates to websites in a standardised way. If the news source allows, you can connect your WebCargo account to said feed, so that you get their latest news stories directly to your WebCargo homepage.

As you did for the section without RSS, click on the + symbol. As well as entering a name for the section, add the URL for the RSS news feed, then click Add.

Tip: Usually the RSS link for a source is located towards the bottom of the page. Look out for this symbol.

Once you’ve added the news source, allow a couple of seconds for the connection to establish itself.

Whether adding just a new section or an RSS feed, to see these click on the Home tab and find the news section. This is located on the lower left-hand side of the homepage.

If you have connected with RSS, you’ll be able to see all of the latest news stories from the chosen source.

3. WebCargo internal news

Finally, the last section you’ll find under the Home page sub-tab is Internal News. This is where you can find all of the updates and notifications directly from WebCargo.

You can choose to search by the type of news, which includes Information, Update, Error, and Advertisements. If you know the title or date of the news article, you can also use this data to search.

Once your results have loaded, you can see additional information such as the date it was published. Click on the eye symbol to view more detailed information about the specific story.

If you wish to learn more about adding your own news sources, or for any other questions, please chat with us by clicking on the green speech bubble located at the bottom right hand corner within your WebCargo account.

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