Earlier this year, we released a Performance Review Questionnaire giving users the ability to gather consistent feedback ahead of appraisals, 121s, quarterly check-ins etc. You can now pull results performance review results into a 1:1 meeting agenda to discuss with the employee.
The new 1:1 Intelligendas function is designed to give users a meeting agenda template for 1:1 conversations, and employee results can be added to the agenda for discussion.
Find out more about the new 1:1 Intelligenda feature below including:
Visit our Performance Management help section for more details on how to set up 1:1s and create intelligendas.
How does the new 1:1 Intelligenda feature work?
Managers can create new 1:1 agendas for their assigned employees & send an invite to the employee OR
Employees (with WeThrive logins) can request a 1:1 with their assigned manager.
Both users are emailed with an invite and link to add the meeting to their calendar.
Agendas remain in 'edit' and notes/edits can be made before, during and after the 1:1.
Agendas can then be saved in 'read only' mode to lock in the final agenda and send a PDF summary of the meeting to both users.
What sections are included in the 1:1 agenda template?
Details of the 1:1, the employee, the date & time
Custom agenda items - users can add their own talking points
Shared notes - add any extra info to this section for discussion
Engagement survey
Performance review
Employee goals
Employee OKRs
Manager section (hidden from the employee's view and only visible to the manager user) including:
Manager notes
Manager goals
Talent snapshot - give feedback on different aspects of the employee's performance e.g. do they require a pay review? Do they need to be considered for promotion? Are they thinking of leaving? Are they meeting expectations?
What can the manager add to the Intelligenda?
When you create a new 1:1 agenda for an employee, some of the employee's recent results will appear including:
Performance review responses
Engagement survey results
If the employee's latest engagement results were in response to an anonymous survey, the manager can only see the team average results. The employee can login and add their own individual results to the agenda if they'd like their manager to be able to view their individual scores.
Goals assigned to the employee
OKRs assigned to the employe
Manager section allows the manager to enter some details that remain confidential to the manager user and are not shared with the employee.
What can the employee add to the Intelligenda?
In order for employees to request a 1:1 with their manager, and to be able to add their own notes and items to the 1:1 for discussion, they must have a login for WeThrive. With an employee login, the employee can add:
Custom agenda items - their own talking points.
Their own performance review responses.
Their own engagement survey results which once added to the agenda will be visible to the manager.
Personal goals.
OKRs they have been working on.
What happens if the employee does not have a login to WeThrive?
If the employee does not have a login for WeThrive they cannot:
Request a 1:1 with their manager via WeThrive.
Access the 1:1 meeting agenda within WeThrive
Add their own items to the agenda within WeThrive.
BUT if the employee doesn't have a login, and their manager does, the employee can still:
Be invited to a 1:1 by their manager.
Receive a PDF summary of the 1:1 once their manager has saved the agenda in 'read only' format.
What happens if the employee hasn't taken part in any recent surveys or reviews?
If you set up a 1:1 agenda for an employee who has not recently taken part in a performance review questionnaire or engagement survey, the intelligenda will show you the top questions usually asked in both the performance review questionnaire and engagement survey.
So f the employee hasn't answered these questions ahead of your 1:1 but you think it is important to discuss, you can add the questions themselves to the 1:1.
How do I create some follow up actions once I have had the 1:1 meeting?
Add any relevant notes to the agenda based on your conversations e.g. if you have resolved any challenges or there are some key points mentioned that need to be logged.
Within the agenda, you can create a new 'Employee goal' - once you have decided together what actions need to be taken off the back of the meeting, use this function to assign the employee a goal and set of actions to complete.
You can also create a 'Manager goal' if there are any actions you must take following the meeting to address the challenges mentioned by the employee.
Once you have filled in all of the details, save the agenda as 'Read Only' and this will trigger a PDF summary to be sent to both parties, providing an offline copy as well as storing this in the WeThrive platform.
Visit our Performance Management help section for support setting up performance reviews, scheduling 1:1s and creating intelligendas.