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New features added to the platform in 2023

Dec-23 - Trend analysis: track scores over time, benchmark results & publish reports to other usersTrack survey results over time, compare to internal & external benchmarks & publish comparison reports to other user homepages
Oct-23 - Change the owner of a goalAdmins and managers can now change the overall owner of goals.
Sept-23 - 'Exec' user, Exec Dashboard, new homepages & more...This month we bring you a new Exec user type, a top-level exec dashboard with enps and talent snapshot features plus brand new homepages!
Aug-23 - Send 1:1 agendas ahead of meetings & make your agenda full screenSend a copy of 1:1 agendas to both parties ahead of the 1:1, and make your 1:1 agenda full screen
Aug-23 - Additional filtering optionsRename your 5 key filters & add up to 7 additional ways of segmenting your results
Jun-23 - Cyber Essentials & account securityNew Cyber Essentials accreditation and new security measures including password security & throttling of accounts
May-23 - Company Goals & OKRsCreate company goals that manager and employee users can contribute to by setting up their own OKRs.
Apr-23 - Schedule 1:1s & create IntelligendasSchedule a 1:1 and create an intelligent agenda for the conversation using recent results
Feb-23 - Onboarding/Offboarding Surveys2 brand new surveys for new colleagues and those leaving the business
Jan 23 - New question types, Pulse improvements, plus a Performance Review QuestionnaireCustomisable performance review questionnaire, plus multiple choice & radio button custom questions