You can send a translated message on Whippy using our intelligent AI translation feature. To send a translated message, follow these instructions:
1. Go to Inbox
2. Choose the conversation/contact you would like to send a translated message to
You can search for the conversation using the search bar or scrolling through your conversations.
3. Write your message
Write your message into the message editor.
4. Instead of clicking send, click the Translate Message button
5. Under Translation Language, choose the language you want to translate your message into
By default, it's set to Spanish. To see other languages available, click on the dropdown menu.
6. Click on Send Translated Message
Click Send Translated Message to send your translated message.
7. Your translated message is now sent!
Your translated message has now been sent. You will only see the original untranslated version on your side. Only the translated message is sent to the contact.