With Whippy, you can create a personal signature that can be automatically or manually added to all your outgoing messages.
To create and use a signature, follow these instructions:
2. Click on Add Signature
3. Give your signature a name
Naming your signature is only used to differentiate between signatures if you have multiple on your account.
4. Create your signature
This will be the signature that goes out with your message.
5. Change the permission to User
Change the permission to User to make it only available to your account.
6. Click on Save Signature
7. Click on the switch to set it as a default signature
Click on the switch next to the signature to enable it as your default signature. Your default signature will be automatically added to all outgoing messages.
If you prefer not to use a default signature, you can choose a signature manually when creating a message. Click the pencil button next to the Send button
and select the signature you would like to use
After selecting your signature, it will be attached to your outgoing message.
Done! You've created a signature! π