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Quick Setup Guide
Ted Schera avatar
Written by Ted Schera
Updated over 11 months ago

Here are the basics for getting started with Wipster in 3 easy steps!

Let's get started.

When you first login, your default page is your dashboard. This is where all your files will be stored. There are a few demo files in there to play around with if you don't yet have a file to upload.

If you are ready to upload your own file, simply head over to the Project Library to upload your first file. Instructions on how to upload (and share) files are outlined below.

Step 1) Upload and Share Files

Simply drag and drop to upload an asset, or click on the 'Upload media' button to choose a file from your computer.

Note: Cloud upload is currently disabled in the Project Library beta, but don't worry! It's coming soon!

Share your asset with a reviewer or team member by sending a private email from Wipster or by creating a shareable link.

(1) Share for Review - The reviewer will be able to leave comments on the video. When they click the “Finish Reviewing” button, you will be notified via email. This is the most common use case, best used for everything from early proofs through all but the very final iterations.

(2) Share for Approval - You have the option to turn off commenting. Encourage your reviewers to click “Approve” so you will be notified immediately within Wipster. This is best used to get that final "thumbs up" so you know the asset is ready to go in they eyes of your key stakeholders.

(3) Share for Preview - A clean view-only mode that has no comments attached. Best used as an FYI or for final delivery.

Need to send multiple assets at once? No problem, just click on the selector tool and share as many as you'd like.

A shareable link will point to a specific version of one or more videos or images.
If you upload a new version, those people who were on the previous version will not be automatically re-invited and will not have access until you share the new version with them.

Step 2) Leave and Review Feedback

To leave a comment in Wipster, simply click or tap on the frame of the Asset Viewer. This simple interface works regardless of asset type.

If the asset type you're viewing is video or audio, your comment will be made at a specific point in the timeline, corresponding to where the playhead is sitting.

Another way to comment is by lassoing a rectangular area on the Asset Viewer. To do this, click and hold for one moment, then drag your cursor to define the rectangular area.

If you are a team member, comments will be public (i.e., viewable by reviewers) by default. You can switch comments to Team-only by clicking the lock icon in the comment box. Team-only comments are only visible to logged-in Team Members, and will not be seen by external reviewers.

Feedback that is left on your asset can be viewed in a few different places.

  • When you are notified of new activity via email, you can click the big green button to jump directly to the asset.

  • When logged into the account, navigate directly to the asset to view comments at the bottom or open the side info panel on the asset to see a list view of comments.

  • And if you are on a new Team or Enterprise plan then you have access to the Dashboard which includes an activity stream. Click the activity to go straight to the new comment.

Team members have personalized notification settings that can be controlled from the Account Settings. Just click the 'Notifications' tab to change the frequency.
These settings will include the option to integrate with Slack or enable browser notifications.

The notifications your Reviewers will receive will depend on which of the two sharing options you use (see this article for more: Sharing Media).

  • Sharing via private email - the reviewer will receive hourly notifications of new activity.

  • Sharing via shareable URL link - the reviewer will have the option to receive notifications only if they enter their email address to do so.

  • If you’ve given your client a seat to your account by adding them as a Team Member, they will have their own login and settings for notifications that they can control as noted above.

To turn off notifications for individual assets, open the Information panel and click on the 'Comments' tab. Then, click the gear icon to disable notifications.

For more details, please refer to our article on Team Member notification preferences

Or, if you're looking for directions on turning off notifications for a reviewer/client, please see this support article.

Step 3) Create and Customize your Team and Reviewers

When you first sign up for a Wipster account you can choose how many seats you want to purchase with your Team plan. A seat will be occupied by a Team Member that you invite to your Wipster account. All team plans start with one seat however you can add seats at anytime.

Team members are usually your colleagues or collaborators, and will have their own login and profile in your team account. Depending on the permission levels they’re granted, they can upload, comment on, and edit media files.

You can also share assets outside your account with an unlimited amount of people, these people are called reviewers.

Reviewers are usually clients or anyone else who is providing feedback. They don’t need their own account or login to access Wipster, as they are invited to review files through share emails or URLs sent by team members.

For more information about reviewers, check out our How to Review - A Reviewers Guide

Account Settings

First, we recommend uploading a profile picture and choosing a profile color. This color will represent your comments made on an asset. Each team member will be able to upload their own photo and choose a color for easy feedback identification.

Navigate to the Account Settings from the login dropdown in the top right corner and click on the 'Profile' tab to make changes.

Team Settings

To add someone from your team, head to your Account Settings and click the 'Team Members' tab. Add a new team member with either Admin access, Full access, or Guest access.

  • Admin access - can make changes to subscription, add new team members, change team members' permission levels, can view billing information, can update payment method, can download invoices, can view storage usage.

  • Full access - can upload, view and edit any content in any active or archived folder

  • Guest access - can only upload, view and edit the folders they are invited to 

For more information, visit the links below.

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