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TEACHER-Making adjustments to Accelerate Education courses in Buzz
TEACHER-Making adjustments to Accelerate Education courses in Buzz

This article shows teachers how to make adjustments to AE courses in Buzz

Sue Soltis avatar
Written by Sue Soltis
Updated over a week ago

Information about Accelerate Education courses for the 2023/24 School Year

All Accelerate Education courses are 18-week semester courses. Semester A courses are taught in the fall and Semester B courses are taught in the spring. If the course name does not include the letter A or B, the course can be taught in either the fall or the spring semester.

Semester A (fall)

~ Start Date: August 19, 2024

~ End Date: January 8, 2025

Semester B (spring)

~ Start Date: January 9, 2025

~ End Date: May 19, 2025

PLEASE NOTE: The End Dates are hard end dates and students will not be able to submit work after January 8, 2025 or May 19, 2025. Make sure you communicate this to your students.

All Accelerate Education courses are Range courses, which means you control the course pacing by manually adding due dates for all gradable activities.

TIP: Use the Course Syllabus or Curriculum Map to help you determine your due dates. The Course Syllabus or Curriculum Map is located in the Teacher’s Guide inside each Resources module.

At the Domain level, we have enabled unweighted grading periods. At the Course level, you will need to activate grading periods. In your Activities, Gradebook, People, and Editor pages, you will be able to view Q1, Q2, Q3, or Q4 items or All periods items. Your gradebook will show quarter grades and not semester grades.

A Participation module has been created in every course and contains the End of Course Survey and Participation activity. DO NOT hide or delete the Participation module. You will need to password protect the Participation module so that students cannot access the End of Course Survey and Participation activity.

Teacher Introduction Template: You should have already added your Teacher Introduction Google Slides to your course using the resource, Editing the Teacher Introduction Template and embedding Google Slides into your course in Buzz.

Review the Additional Resources provided at the end of this document for resource links and training links.

Below are the tasks that you will need to complete before students start working in your Accelerate Education courses.

Click the links (bookmarks) below to view the task's step-by-step directions.

TASKS – Please follow these tasks in order.

TASK 1: Activate grading periods in your Accelerate Education course. Create two grading periods. For fall semester courses, create two periods titled Q1 and Q2. For spring semester courses, create two periods titled Q3 and Q4.

TASK 2: Associate your modules (folders) to your grading periods. If you have activities in a module that may fall into two grading periods, follow the steps below.

TASK 6: Review your course content to prepare for the school year. Start with the Resources module paying particular attention to the Teacher’s Guide, and then review all your content folders.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Before you make any additional edits to your course or course settings besides the ones mentioned in this document, you must check with your assigned WIU supervisor for permission and approval.

TASK 1: Activate grading periods in your Accelerate Education course

Grading periods allow you to view the Activities, Gradebook, People, and Editor by the specific grading periods. This allows you to view your students’ quarter grades. Semester grades will not be visible.

To see the teacher and student views, review the resource Understanding grading periods in Buzz.

Navigate to your Accelerate Education course in Buzz.

From the course card, click Editor.

From the top toolbar, click Tools (wrench icon) and then click Course settings.

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From the Grading periods card, check the box next to Use grading periods.

Check the box next to Inherit activity grading period from top-most folder. This setting allows you to associate a grading period to a module and all the module’s activities (a real time saver!).

Rename the default grading period.

~ Semester A:

1. Click Period 1, change the Name to Q1, and then click Done.

2. Rename Period 2 to Q2.

~ Semester B:

1. Click Period 1, change the Name to Q3, and then click Done.

2. Rename Period 2 to Q4.

~ If your course does not have A or B listed in the course name:

1. Click Period 1, change the Name to Q1/Q3, and then click Done.

2. Rename Period 2 to Q2/Q4.

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Delete any grading periods that are not needed.

~ Semester A:

1. Click Period 3 and then click REMOVE THIS GRADING PERIOD.

2. Repeat these steps for Period 4.

~ Semester B:

1. Click Period 1 and then click REMOVE THIS GRADING PERIOD.

2. Repeat these steps for Period 2.

~ If your course does not have A or B listed in the course name, remove Period 3 and Period 4.

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Click SAVE at the top right of the page.

TASK 2: Associate your modules to your grading periods

Once you have activated the grading periods in a Semester A course, all modules and their associated activities will be assigned to Q1 by default. In a Semester B course, all modules and their associated activities will be assigned to Q3 by default. Always take the time to confirm the correct grading periods for your modules.

Semester A courses: Associate modules to the Q2 grading period that have gradable activities with due dates between October 22, 2024 and January 8, 2025. Place the Participation module in the Q2 grading period.

Semester B courses: Associate modules to the Q4 grading period that have gradable activities with due dates between March 13, 2025 and May 19, 2025. Place the Participation module in the Q4 grading period.

Students’ enrollment Start Dates for Semester B courses is January 9, 2025.

Grading Periods

Quarter 1

~ Start Date: August 19, 2024

~ End Date: October 21, 2024

Quarter 2

~ Start Date: October 22, 2024

~ End Date: January 8, 2025

Quarter 3

~ Start Date: January 9, 2025

~ End Date: March 12, 2025

Quarter 4

~ Start Date: March 13, 2025

~ End Date: May 19, 2025

Review the modules in your course and determine where to divide the grading periods. Please place the Participation module in either the Q2 or Q4 grading period. You may decide that some activities towards the end of a module belong in the Q2 or Q4 grading period. See the steps on splitting a module into two grading periods.

~ In an 18-module course, Q2 may begin with Module 10 and Q4 may begin with Module 28.

~ In a 6-module course, Q2 may begin with Module 4 and Q4 may begin with Module 10.

From your Accelerate Education course card, click Editor.

To the right of the Resources module, click Edit (pencil icon).

Click the SETTINGS tab.


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In the Folder settings, verify the Resources module has a Period of Q1 (Sem. A) or Q3 (Sem. B).


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If the grading period is correct for the Resources module and no changes are needed, then click the X to the left of the Resources module name to return to the previous page and move to step below where you will navigate to the first folder that contains activities for the SECOND grading period.

If the grading period is incorrect for the Resources module, select the correct grading period (Q1 for Sem. A or Q3 for Sem. B) and then click SAVE at the top right of the page.


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~ If the grading period is incorrect, you should review all modules to ensure they are associated with the correct grading period.

Navigate to the first folder that contains activities for the SECOND grading period.

~ In an 18-module course, it is most likely Module 10 (Q2) or Module 28 (Q4).

~ In a 6-module course, it is most likely Module 4 (Q2) or Module 10 (Q4).

(Example) To the right of Module 10 in an 18-module course, click Edit (pencil icon).

Click the SETTINGS tab.


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In the Folder settings card, change the Period to Q2 (Sem. A) or Q4 (Sem. B).


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Click SAVE at the top right of the page.

OPTIONAL: Split a module into two grading periods

From your Accelerate Education course card, click Editor.

Determine which module will have some activities associated with the first grading period and some activities associated with the second grading period.

Below the final module in your course, click ADD ACTIVITY.

Select Folder.

Enter the same title as the original module and add - Q2 (Sem. A) or - Q4 (Sem. B) to the end (i.e., Module 10: Pond Animals - Q2 or Module 10: Pond Animals - Q4). For clarity and consistency, you can add - Q1 (Sem. A) or - Q3 (Sem. B) to the end of the original module’s title.

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Click SAVE at the top right of the page.

To the right of the new module, click More (three vertical dots).

Select Move up until the new module is located right below the original module.

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Alternatively, the new module can be dragged up to the correct location. Select the module name to drag the module up.

*** WARNING: Be careful not to embed the new folder into another module. Make sure the new module is located between two modules. ***

Open the original module to view the activities that need to be moved.

Drag activities from the original module to the new module. Be careful to keep activities in the correct sequence.

To the right of the new module, click Edit (pencil icon).

Click the SETTINGS tab.

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In the Folder settings, change the new module’s Period to Q2 (Sem. A) or Q4 (Sem. B) and then click SAVE at the top right of the page.


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To the right of the original module, click Edit. Then, click the SETTINGS tab and verify the original module has a Period of Q1 (Sem. A) or Q3 (Sem. B).

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TASK 3: Edit gradable activities to “Allow late submissions”

Since due dates in a Range course are hard due dates, you must allow late submissions for all gradable activities so that students are able to move forward in your gated course. Gradable activities include Assignments, Assessments, Discussions, Custom activities, and Journals.

From your Accelerate Education course card, click Editor.

Click the ACTIVITY LIST tab.

From the top menu bar, make sure the view is ALL PERIODS so that you are selecting every gradable activity in your course and not just Q1, Q2, Q3, or Q4 gradable activities. If the view is not correct, click Q1, Q2, Q3, or Q4 and select All periods.

From the Filter by type drop-down list in the center of the page, select Assignment.

PLEASE NOTE: You need to select ONE activity type at a time since activities must be edited within their activity type grouping. DO NOT select Any type to speed up the process; it is not possible to edit all activity types at one time.

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Check the box at the top left of the page to select all the assignments in the course.

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From the top menu bar, click Bulk edit (pencil icon).

Check the box next to Allow late submissions.

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Click the drop-down arrow to the right of Allow late submissions and then select Always.

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Check the box next to I understand that these changes are permanent, and I confirm that I want to proceed.

Click UPDATE at the top right of the page.

Repeat steps 3 – 9 for the following gradable activity types:

1. Assessment

2. Custom activity (Include this activity type since it represents lesson activities in some courses.)

3. Discussion

4. Journal

TASK 4: Set due dates for gradable activities in a Range course

Scheduling tab


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From your Accelerate Education course card, click Editor.

Click the SCHEDULING tab.

In the left panel, click Module 1 to expand the folder, select a gradable activity, and drag the activity to the desired due date. The activity will then be visible on the calendar.

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Continue dragging gradable items from each module to the desired due dates.

Edit scheduled due dates

From your Accelerate Education course card, click Editor.

Click the SCHEDULING tab.

From the calendar, select the calendar date where the activity due date needs to be edited or removed.

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Locate the activity in the list below the calendar. To the right of the activity name, click More (three vertical dots).


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From the menu options, click Edit to edit the gradable activity or click Remove due date if the due date is no longer needed.

*** WARNING: Never select Delete from this menu. This action will permanently delete the assignment from your course. ***

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TASK 5: Password protect the Participation module (Place this module in either the Q2 or Q4 grading period.)

From your Accelerate Education course card, click Editor.

To the right of the Participation module, click Edit (pencil icon).

Click the SETTINGS tab.

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Click the Visibility and access card to expand the options.

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Check the box next to Student must enter a password.


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Enter a password that will be difficult for students to guess. Let students know they do not need to complete the Participation module, which is why it is password protected.


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Click SAVE at the top right of the page.

Additional Resources

Accelerate Education Teacher’s User Guide - Buzz: Remember to bookmark this document created by Accelerate Education so you can see the most current version.

Please take some time to review the Teacher’s User Guide, where you can learn about the Teacher app, Teacher course view options, scheduling due dates in a Range course, grading and gradebook tools, creating groups and setting accommodations, adding activities to your course, and creating reports.

Within the Teacher’s User Guide, there are some very helpful videos including the following:

People Tool: Click here to view a video about the People Tool. You will use this tool to view student grades.

Accelerate Education OnDemand Resources: Find OnDemand Options, Recorded Webinars, and a Video Short Library that includes topics on Grading & Gradebook (Buzz), Course Wide Modifications, Accommodations & Individual Modifications (Buzz), and Observer Role Resources.

Accelerate Ed - Course/Domain Grading Period - Weighting Not Enabled: Document includes screenshots of teacher views and student views with grading periods enabled.

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