In Worka, a workplace is a location you operate, such as a hub, building, facility, or floor. It houses your workspaces, like desks, private offices, or meeting rooms.
There are two ways of adding a workplace. You can either sync it from OfficeRnD or Nexudus - or you can manually create it in Worka.
How do I manually create a workplace?
On the Partner Portal home page click 'Add workplace' then 'Manually add workplace'. You'll then be taken through a six-step setup process.
Start by entering the essential information, such as the name and address, as well as the latitude and longitude of the building.
Describe the building and area in further detail, listing any house rules, and providing your website if you have one. We advise giving as much detail as possible to make your workplace stand out.
Select the workplace amenities from the options available.
Upload your photos, following these requirements:
At least 1 image but no more than 15 should be uploaded.
Each image description must be less than 125 characters
Each image has a minimum of 1000 x 800 pixels
Maximum image size is 15MB
Photos must be in a JPEG or JPG format
Set your access hours.
Add contact details for colleagues at your workplace.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How do I import a workplace?
How do I disable a workplace?
On the Partner Portal home page, locate the workplace you'd like to disable and toggle the 'Make live' button to 'Disabled'. This will delist the workplace immediately - but existing bookings will be unaffected.
If you’re managing the workplace through OfficeRnD or Nexudus, you’ll also need to disable the listing in that account.
How can I update a listing that has been migrated from
You can use Worka Partner Portal to update your listings on and The only newly required mandatory field is Access Hours, but we have defaulted your Access Hours to the most common Access Hours in the country where your workplace is located.
What does the Status mean?
The workplace status will show "Needs attention" or "Could improve" when there's details missing, like descriptions and images.
To have a fully "Complete" workplace you need to enable at least one Workspace within the Workplace.