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How to Post a Job Ad
How to Post a Job Ad

All the steps required to post the perfect job ad through Workinitiatives

Updated over a week ago

Here is a quick tutorial on posting a job ad (includes labour market testing jobs too):

Posting a job ad is a simple and straightforward process. In this article, we will guide you through the steps of posting a job ad and provide helpful tips along the way.

Gather All Necessary Information

Before you begin, please make sure you have all the necessary information about the job you are posting. This includes a job description including salary/pay rate information and any other details that will help attract the right candidates.

To Post a Job Ad

First, you will need to navigate to the left-hand side menu and then jobs and click job ads or on the right-hand side of the dashboard is Post a Job. This will load the job ad form for you.

Labour Market Testing (LMT)

As you come down, you will decide whether this job ad is to be compliant for Labour Market Testing requirements, where international applicants can apply and be sponsored.

By enabling this check box, Workinitiatives will assist you in listing an LMT-compliant job ad. As an example, if you try to list a part-time role, this is not a valid LMT role and will not be able to be posted.
If you would like more information on Labour Market Testing, please take a look at our article here.

Alternatively, if it's only open to Australian residents, you can leave this unticked and progress with entering the details in your job ad.

Job Information and AI-Generated Job Description

You will enter the Position information including categories and salary information.

If you do not have a job description available, you can try our AI-generated job description, by entering the above information, it will take this and prefill sections of the form for you.

If using an AI-generated job description, please review this for any errors or inaccuracies before posting your ad.

If you have your job description available, you will copy and paste sections from the Job Description into the available fields.

TIP: When you copy the information from a Word doc, you will want to right-click into the field and Paste it as plain text. This will remove any formatting from the previous document and will look much nicer on your ad.

Add Questions to Filter Candidates

One helpful feature of posting your job is the ability to add Text or Video questions that will help filter candidates.

If you proceed with Text Questions, you can choose questions from our question library or write your own questions.

This can save you time and effort in the long run by ensuring that only qualified candidates apply for the job.

Enterprise Job Board

If you have an Enterprise Job Board configured, you will be able to add this new ad to a Section to show on your Enterprise Job Board.

Further further information on Enterprise Job Board, see this article here.

Ad Settings

You will want to review this settings and toggle any that are applicable to you.

  1. Quick Apply - This will enable Job Seekers to quickly apply for your ad.

  2. Job Ad Auto Renew - This will allow your job ad, to be auto-renewed after 30 days if you have available job ad credits. Otherwise, the ad will expire after 30 days.

  3. Other settings related to whether the ad is looking for International candidates that might suit your needs

Save as a Template for Future Use

If you frequently post job ads for similar positions, you can save your current ad as a template for future use. This will save you time and effort in the future, as you can simply make any necessary updates and post the ad again.

Preview Your Job Ad

Before finalising and posting your job ad, it is always a good idea to preview it. This will allow you to see what the ad will look like to potential candidates and make any necessary changes before it goes live.

Save and Post Your Job Ad

Once you are satisfied with your job ad, you can save and continue which will take you through to the subscription screen to pay for your ad or select to use any available credits.

Once payment is completed or a job ad credit is used, then you will publish your ad.

Congratulations, your job ad is now live and ready to attract top talent!

Now that you know how to post a job ad, you can easily attract the right candidates for your open position.

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