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Reference Checks

Conduct reference checks to gather insights into the candidate as part of your hiring process

Updated over 2 months ago

Reference Checks using Workinitiatives

Workinitiatives has partnered with Referoo to offer reference checks to customers. You can request reference checks at a cost of $55 per candidate.

Conducting reference checks are an important part of the hiring process as they provide valuable insights into a candidate's past performance and work ethic. With Workinitiatives, we make it easy for hiring managers to gather this information and make informed decisions about their potential hires.

How it Works

Within the platform, you'll navigate to the menu and jobs sections and select job ads. From the job listing page, go to the job ad you need and select the applicants. This will open all applicants that have applied for the role.

You will review your applicant list for any suitable candidates and move them to shortlisted by selecting actions and mark as shortlisted.

From the Shortlisted menu you will see the new heading for References and button to Ask for Reference.

When requesting a reference check, the hiring person can choose to request between 1-4 referees to be provided. This allows for a comprehensive evaluation of the candidate's skills and abilities.

Once the request is made, the system will automatically contact the candidate to provide details of the referee/s.

Tracking the Status

You can check the status of where the process is at, by reviewing the icon under references within the platform. This allows you to stay updated on the progress and ensure that all necessary information is gathered in a timely manner.

This status is pending the candidate to provide referee details.

Once the information has been provided for the referee/s, they will be contacted to complete a questionnaire about the candidate. This questionnaire covers various aspects of the candidate's work performance, including their strengths, weaknesses, and overall suitability for the role.

If a referee declines to provide a reference, the candidate will be contacted to provide an alternative referee. This will not show as a platform status for this candidate.

Viewing and Downloading the Report

Once all the reference checks have been completed, you can view or download a report.

This report provides a comprehensive overview of the candidate's references, making it easier for you to make an informed hiring decision.

Need Assistance? Please do not hesitate to contact our support team via chatbot (bottom right corner) within the platform or email with any questions.

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