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Dashboard UI
Updated over a week ago

The dashboard is the central launching point and management hub within CodeWP. Let's take a comprehensive look at all it contains.

Universal Left Sidebar

The left sidebar accessible from all pages contains:

  • Create New - Starts a new code snippet or chat session. Can pre-select a mode too.

  • Navigation - Links to access dashboard, snippets, projects, packages, chat history, settings.

  • Monthly Actions (Free accounts) - Displays actions remaining for free users under usage limit.

  • Account Links - Help, affiliate program, legal pages, and user profile/settings access.

This sidebar allows quick access to key pages and account management.

Intelligent Global Search

The search bar at the top of the dashboard searches:

  • Snippet contents and descriptions

  • Package names and contents

  • Project names and details

Great for quickly finding existing work.

Announcements Feed

Important platform updates and releases are posted in the announcements feed. Provides awareness of new features and changes.

It's hidden entirely if there are no current announcements.

Quick Launch Modes (into Code Editor)

The most commonly used coding modes are listed first to instantly start a new code generation session:

  • Click a mode like PHP to immediately enter the code editor with it pre-selected.

  • Access all modes when creating a new snippet. Search available modes too.

Gets you coding in seconds!

Dashboard Tabs

Easily switch between tabs for:

  • Snippets - View, favorite, edit, and delete individual snippets.

  • Projects - Add new projects or manage existing ones.

  • Packages - See all multi-file plugin and code packages.

Filters and search in each tab make managing existing work simple.

Right Sidebar Features

Two useful sections in the right dashboard sidebar:

  • Activity - Quick shortcut links to your recent platform activity for fast access.

  • Quick Links - Useful links for roadmap, feature requests, help, blogs, etc. Stay updated!

The dashboard has everything you need to start new sessions and manage existing work efficiently. Let us know if you have any other questions!

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