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How do I check for plagiarism?

Writable's Originality Check (powered by Turnitin SimCheck) checks student writing for similarity to popular sources and other student work.

Updated over a week ago

Writable's Originality Check (powered by Turnitin SimCheck) allows teachers to evaluate student writing for similarities. Teachers can also choose to enable or disable Originality Check for individual students.

1. Navigate to your Dashboard from 'My Assignments' by clicking the assignment and selecting the class you'd like to check.

2. Click 'Grade Submissions' on your dashboard if you’d like to go through all submitted work...

Or scroll down and find your student roster to click the 'Last graded (Last submission)...' link to the right of the student's name to view their assignment details.

3. From the Review page, click 'Originality Check' above the student's writing.

4. Your Originality Check report will highlight any parts of the student’s writing that could be plagiarized from a source. It will also generate a percentage for overall similarity and will list any source that was likely used.


  • If your student's writing appears to be an older version, click the circular arrow icon at the top of the window to refresh the Originality Check.

  • If you see that your student has copied from another student in Writable, follow these steps to view similar papers in your school.

5. To download or print the Originality Check report for your records, click the 'Share' button in the bottom corner.

Tip! Downloading and printing your report is helpful when including an administrator or parent in plagiarism conversations.

For more information on the sources scanned by Originality Check, click here.

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