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Feedback & Grading
How do I grade submitted student work? 🎥
How do I edit my feedback on students' writing?
How do I use the Guide/Grade tab on the Assignment Dashboard? 🎥
What are the scoring options in Writable?
How do I change scores to points, percentages or numeric?
How do I view word and character counts in Writable?
How do I export student scores for an assignment?
How do I add video/audio feedback for students?
How do I complete a Team Grading Job? 🎥
How can I use Writable's Authorship alerts? 🎥
How can I pause grade sync with my LMS course?
How does grading work with co-teachers?
How do I view the draft history for student writing?
What is RevisionAid?
How do I use AI Draft Scores? 🎥
What does the lightbulb next to my rubric item mean?
How do I use AI Suggested Comments? 🎥
How do I turn off/on AI GradeAssist for assignments?
What are best practices for using AI to grade and give feedback?
What are best practices when creating rubrics and assignments that generate AI feedback?
Why isn't my AI feedback loading?
How do I import student work to get AI feedback? 🎥
How do I import Google Coursework to Writable?
How do I upload student writing files to Writable?
How do I demo or preview AI-suggested feedback?