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Feedback & Grading
Feedback & Grading

Learn about how Writable feedback and grading tools work.

42 articles
How do I grade and review student work?
How do I edit my feedback on students' writing?
How do I use the Guide/Grade tab on the Assignment Dashboard?
How do I see student writing in a 'stack' when I'm ready to grade?
What are the scoring options in Writable?
How do I change scores to points, percentages or numeric?
How do I view word and character counts in Writable?
How do I export student scores for an assignment?
How do I view revisions side-by-side and provide feedback on peer review?
How do I add video/audio feedback for students?
How do I complete a Team Grading Job?
How can I use Writable's Authorship alerts?
How can I pause grade sync with my LMS course?
How does grading work with co-teachers?