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Creating a video interview
Creating a video interview

Learn how to create the video interview.

Written by JIGAR DOSHI
Updated over a week ago

4 Steps to Creating an Interview on Xinterview:

Are you ready to streamline your interview process and find the best candidates for your job positions? Look no further than Xinterview! Our platform allows you to easily create and manage video interviews, saving you time and effort in the hiring process. Follow these four simple steps to get started:

1. Add a JobπŸ“ :

The first step to creating an interview on Xinterview is to add a job position. This can be done by providing details such as the job title, deadline, timezone, and a job description (optional). You can use our AI technology or simply copy and paste a job description. This will help candidates understand the role and requirements before they begin the interview process.

Next, it's time to craft your video interview questions. Xinterview offers three options for creating questions: AI-generated, template, or custom questions. You can also set metrics such as allowed takes, thinking time, and allocated time for each question. This will ensure a fair and consistent interview process for all candidates.

Xinterview allows you to include team members in the interview process for each job position. This can be helpful for getting multiple perspectives on candidates and making informed hiring decisions.

The final step is to invite candidates to complete the video interview. Xinterview offers three options for inviting candidates: an invite link, email invitation, or bulk invite using a CSV file. This makes it easy to reach out to potential candidates and get them started on the interview process.

Congratulations, you have successfully created an interview on Xinterview! We hope this article has been helpful in guiding you through the process. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. Happy hiring!

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