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Core Experience #3: Bird's Eye View
Updated over 5 months ago

Core Experience #3: Birds' Eye View

Think about a road trip. You need two things:

  • Destination: Where you want to end up.

  • Route: The path you’ll take to get there.

In the context of guiding your students, customers, and clients, the Bird's Eye View is crucial. It provides them with:

  • Clarity: How you plan to get them from Mission to Mission Accomplished.

  • Confidence: A sense of direction and control.

Why the Bird's Eye View Matters

When you present your Bird's Eye View, you’re showing a clear map of the journey ahead. This helps your audience:

  • Feel equipped and ready for the journey.

  • Understand their current position in relation to the end goal.

  • Trust that you are in control and capable of guiding them effectively.

For example, here’s how we present our Bird's Eye View in the Experience Product Masterclass:

Imagine a detailed map that outlines every step of the process. It shows where you are, what’s coming up next, and how you’ll reach the final destination. This visual representation reassures participants that they are on the right track and will reach their goal.

The Bird's Eye View helps students relax and focus on their journey rather than worrying about the path. It’s like showing them the entire route so they can enjoy the ride without stress.

In this series of articles, I’m providing you with a complete overview of the “Experience Formula.” This is the essence of the Bird’s Eye View, offering you a comprehensive look at the path we’re taking together.

Remember: Just as a detailed map makes a road trip smoother, a clear Bird's Eye View makes the journey through your product or course much more manageable and enjoyable for your students.

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