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Help for Login Issues / Magic Link
Updated over 5 months ago

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About "Magic Links"

We have a "Magic Link" system that allows students/clients to completely bypass the login page altogether and instead, be automatically logged in to any course to which they have access.

See here for how to quickly help your students with any login issues

This special link is really useful for when you wish to send somebody direct access to any specific course they've purchased -- because it reduces the usual friction involved in entering an email address and a password.

Login pages may be simple for some people, but for others, they're a significant challenge (especially with more complex passwords being required these days), and login problems can easily lose you 10-20% of your students right out of the gage. We want to avoid that for you.

The "Magic Link" is different for each course a student has access to and look kind of like this:

Most people use the Magic Link inside their Student Welcome email like this:

Including it inside your emails like this will get your student into their course with a single click.

In fact, we recommend a best practice of using it inside every single email you send to your students, so they're never hunting for login information. They're always able to click and instantly access the course material.

Using the Training Magic Link

We have a version of the magic link that will go directly to a specific training as well, instead of to the course home page.

  • The format of that to use in your emails is as follows: {Training Magic Link training_slug=enter-your-training-url}

  • Replace enter-your-training-url in the example above with the URL of the training you wish to link to.

  • To find the URL of your Training, go to Step 3 and edit the Training. You'll find the URL here:

  • So a valid Training Magic Link might be: {Training Magic Link training_slug=show-me-the-money}

When used inside an email, the student will be taken right into that training without needing to ever login with their email address and password, saving them time, and minimizing the friction that takes a significant amount of students out of the game. Here's an example of how it might look inside an email:

How to Retrieve a Student's Magic Link from Inside the App

  • Click on Students in the left navigation

  • Search for the student in question, and click on the student's name once you find them

  • Open the Courses section, and find the Course in question

  • Click on ... menu and click Copy Magic Link. (This will copy the Magic Link to your clipboard)

  • Send this link directly to your student by pasting it into a message to them. (It will allow this specific student ONLY to go directly to the Home Page for this specific Course.)

Important notes about the "Magic Link":

  • Each "Magic Link" is specific to one specific student and one specific course.

  • Do not send the same "Magic Link" to different students; instead, grab each student's unique Magic Link

  • The "Magic Link" will never change and will always allow a student to log into a specific course, UNLESS you change the name of your course or school, disable or delete a student, or remove the course.

  • The format of the Magic Link is not customizable, sorry!

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