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Store-credit: Set up, Best practices and Customer Experience
Store-credit: Set up, Best practices and Customer Experience

Maximizing customer retention with yayloh Store Credits for Shopify (Gift Cards & Discount Codes) and Centra (Vouchers) customers

Vineeta Pendse avatar
Written by Vineeta Pendse
Updated over 5 months ago

In this article:

Retailers can increase customer retention and boost loyalty with yayloh store-credit. This is a great alternative to traditional refunds when customers decide to return an item. A store-credit sent via yayloh can either be a voucher (Centra), discount code (Shopify) or Giftcard (Shopify Plus). Read forward to understand which one can suit your business better based on your needs.

Note: Store-credit is an add on functionality. To set it up please reach out to

Configuring store-credit for Shopify customers:

When setting up store credits on your Shopify, you must choose between either gift cards or discount codes.

  1. If you have downloaded the app, no special set up is required for discount codes. In case of Giftcards, please reach out to our team to configure it for your store.

  2. If you have connected to the app using collaborator access, please ensure the following admin API access scopes are provided:

    write_discounts, read_discounts, read_gift_cards, write_gift_cards

Configuring store-credit for Centra customers:

  1. Provide GraphQL Token: Create and share a GraphQL token from your Centra store. If you need help creating one, check out this link.

  2. Update Permissions: Ensure your shop and order API permissions are correctly set up for yayloh.

Best practices and Tips to implement Store-credit:

  1. Incentivize store-credits: Encourage customers to choose store credit by offering an additional value e.g. offer an extra 10% when customers opt for store credit instead of a refund.

  2. Implement a refund fee: Add a small refund fee for traditional refunds while providing the full value for those who choose store credit.

  3. Offer faster Store Credit: Enhance the customer experience by sending the store credit when the return is registered OR when the return is in-transit.

  4. Shopify Integration: If you're using Shopify Plus, consider optimizing the use of discount codes by providing free delivery shipment using Shopify scripts. Learn more here.

Customer Experience:

  1. In case they select return, customers can select between a store-credit and a refund.

    1. First a customer gets a pop up where they make the selection

    💡 Tips:

    • Remind the customer what are the benefits of receiving store credit

    • Mention what are the refund conditions

    b. Then the selection can be changed on the Return page

  2. In case you offer automated exchanges, customers can also opt for store-credit if a variant is out of stock while requesting an exchange or in case they want a completely different product from your webshop.

  3. If you don't offer automated exchanges, you can still have the option to keep the exchange button active. It would be the same like returns with the three return questions: return reason, keywords and free comment box. This helps easy identification of customers interested in exchanges and you can offer a store-credit to these customers.

  4. Discount notification email: When the store credit is processed, a discount code, gift card, or voucher will be created by yayloh in your OMS back office.

    1. In case of Shopify Gift Cards, the email notification is triggered by Shopify.

    2. In case of Shopify Discount Codes and centra vouchers, yayloh triggers an email notification to the end customer, providing them with their unique code, the amount, and details on how to use it. You can find this notification email styled in Settings > Email Templates > Customer Discount Notification.

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