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Copy guidelines to get you started easily
Alexandra Skagerholm avatar
Written by Alexandra Skagerholm
Updated over a week ago

Writing an Effective Copy for Communication

Welcome! In this section, we'll provide you with valuable tips for crafting compelling content that converts. Whether you're communicating on platforms like LinkedIn or email, these guidelines will help you create engaging messages that resonate with your audience. We'll also offer specific advice for various touchpoints, along with real examples to kickstart your communication efforts.

To begin, let's explore a step-by-step campaign structure using the "Effective Sales Funnel" we've developed based on the successes of some of our customers. By following this structure, you'll be able to create your own prospecting and outreach campaign with confidence.

Step 1 - LinkedIn Profile Visit

When creating a campaign in Zaplify, always begin with a LinkedIn profile visit as you can always mention that you have looked at their profile for your connection request to make it feel more personal.

Step 2 - LinkedIn Connection Request

The next step is to send a Linkedin connection request. Write a message telling your prospect how you guys can benefit from each other, or ask them how they work today with the specific service you provide.

A common mistake is to write too long connection request messages. The message can look spammy if it is written too long. Keep the request message simple, concise (no more than 285 characters), and open for conversation.


"Hi {{firstName}}

I had a look at your profile yesterday and see that we both have an interest in (what you have in common). It would be great to follow your journey and hopefully, we could find a way to collaborate."


"Just arrived to the west coast and finally got some time to explore exciting people here on LinkedIn. A truly inspiring journey you've had, [First Name]. I'd love to follow you here if I may?"

Step 3 - LinkedIn Follow up message

After your connection request is accepted, acknowledge it and show interest in the prospect. Share some value, such as insights or questions related to a common topic or challenge. Make it personal by using "I" and "you" to refer to the person instead of company-focused language. Keep your message short and sweet, similar to a Facebook message or text. It should fit on a smartphone screen. Focus on the prospect and their problem, not on yourself or your product. Use the right bait, tailoring it to their role and company. Highlight what's in it for them.

It could look like this:

Hi {{firstName}},

I would love to know more about how you are working with this (specific problem or process) today? Looking forward to hearing from you.


"{{firstName}}! I hope the summer has been good so far. If you haven't read the book [X], I can highly recommend it - a true eye-opener for me regarding establishing good habits."

Step 4 - Email 1

If the prospect hasn't responded to your follow-up message on LinkedIn, send a reminder through email that you are still interested in the person and the company.

In your first email, mention that you tried connecting on LinkedIn to avoid sounding automated. Communicate a reason to believe and a provided value in order to gauge interest. Usually, this is where you see the most replies. Don't save the good stuff!

Subject line: 3-6 words pitch (Try to make it feel as un-automated as you can)


"Hi {{firstName}},

  • Introduce yourself and why you're reaching out

  • Highlight challenges/pain points that relate to the prospect

  • Share what value you can offer in solving these challenges

  • End on a call to action - What is the purpose of your email?

[Insert personal email signature]"

For example:

"Hello {{firstName}},

I hope the summer has been good so far? I feel well-rested myself and back at the computer, ready for everything the autumn has to offer. I made a note to reconnect with our LinkedIn contact, hence this email.

I visited your website again to refresh my memory. I see potential to enhance the user experience and, at the same time, improve your SEO ranking, based on the changes Google made recently about a month ago.

I'm also curious about you and your journey, so what do you think about setting aside 20 minutes for a virtual coffee where we can combine the personal aspect with me sharing some advice about SEO?


Your name"

Step 5 - Email 2

In the second email, send a friendly reminder about your previous email, check availability, and always add new value or selling points. Following up is crucial in outreach.

Subject line: (Same as Email 1)


"Hi {{firstName}},

  • Tell them that you follow up on your first email

  • Add a selling point

  • Provide references to create credibility - case or reference customers.

  • Finish with a call to action

[Insert personal email signature]"


"Hello {{firstName}},

I know how things can easily get lost in the inbox when a lot is happening at the beginning of autumn, so I thought I'd send a gentle reminder here as we just recently helped company x with achieving [selling point]. I understand that I may not be your top priority.

Perhaps it could be a good idea to schedule a placeholder for our virtual coffee in about a week instead? Unless you think I'm completely off track?

Take care,

Your Name

Step 6 - Email 3

In your final email, take a more passive approach. Instead of selling, tap into the fear of missing out. Let the recipient know this is your last attempt and they need to take action.

Subject line: (Same as Email 1)


"Hi {{firstName}},

  • Acknowledge this might not be a priority for them

  • Avoid selling in this email.

  • End with a call to action, such as requesting to be connected with the right person or asking for a phone number.

Have a great day, and hope to hear from you soon!

[Insert personal email signature]"


"Hello {{firstName}},

Giving it one last try. Perhaps you're not the one handling sales at your company? I'd appreciate it if you could redirect me to the person in charge of that area, as I truly believe there's value to be gained from collaboration.

In any case, I want to wish you good luck with your sales efforts this year!


Your name"

Step 7 - CALL!

Now the most crucial step is left, which is to call your prospect that didn't answer your outreach. This is a step that many forget to do, but it is a crucial step because now we have warmed up these prospects and have a great reason why to call them.


Make sure that your campaign always is personal to the receiver and never comes across as spam. Connect with your prospects on more than one personal touchpoint and more than one channel.

You can download our copy guidelines here: copy-guidelines-2023.pdf

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