Below you'll find some instructions for installing the 1Place Compliance Manager app which is available for :
iOS (version 11 and above)
Android (version 6 and above)
Amazon FireOS (version 6 and above)
Progressive Web App (The Web App on Browser)
You can access on your browser, if installation of mobile app isn't an option for you.
This is called Progressive Web App, it looks and behaves just like the mobile app on your internet browser. If you prefer using a computer or your smart phone that isn't compatible with our mobile app, this will be a perfect alternative rather than completing your work on the web admin portal (
Below is the written step by step instruction on how to download the mobile app to your device.
Apple iOS/iPadOS (iPhone & iPad users)
1. Tap the App Store icon to open it.
2. Find the search button in the bottom right hand corner
3. In the search bar, search for "1Place Compliance Manager"
You will be presented with a number of different apps. The correct app is called "1Place Compliance Manager" and has a blue icon background with four colours of overlapping diamond shapes. To install the app tap 'GET', or tap on the app itself and tap 'GET' in the next screen
Android (Google, Samsung, Motorola, LG etc.)
The Android version of the new 1Place app is distributed through the Google Play Store.
1. Open the Google Play Store app
2. In the top bar, type "1Place Compliance Manager" and tap the magnifying glass icon
3. You will be presented with several apps. The one you're looking for has a blue icon background and is called "1Place Compliance Manager". Tap it to go to the app's store page.
4. Once you're on the store page, tap Install to install the new app.
5. Once the app has been installed, you can tap Open to launch the app.
Amazon FireOS
The FireOS version of 1Place Compliance Manager is available on the Amazon Appstore.