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Example of Incident Process Flow
Updated over a week ago

Standard Workflow

This graph can be used as an example of how to complete the process of discovering and adequately reporting Incidents.

Example of Incident Sign off Process

Below explains how the incident form sign off works on site or remotely.

Remote vs Onsite Sign off

You have two options to get the parents’ sign off on the child’s incident form.
Below is the overall workflow chart:

Option 1 will give both the centre/center staff and parents a flexibility around signing off and sending/receiving the incident. Tracking the sign off will be a lot easier as well, since the incident register on the web portal( displays small icons of whether or not it is signed off.

Option 2 can be a back up of the option 1, in case the parents didn’t sign off remotely.

The following pages include step by step instructions and further details.

How it works – Option 1: Remote Sign Off

Centre/Center staff To Do

You can now create a special link and send it out via email on the mobile/web app.

Step 1: Complete the incident for as usual, then press SUBMIT.
In the pop up dialogue, Tick off the checkbox “Send Incident via email?” then Press SUBMIT

Note: If you don't see this checkbox, you may not have permission to send incident via email. Please discuss with the person in charge of 1Place administration at your organiz/sation.

Step 2: Add parents’ email to “To:” by clicking on the plus icon. You can enter more than 1 email address by adding comma in between the emails.

Step 3: Tick off the checkbox “Link to add details”. This will generate a link for the email receiver to access the form and add details.

Note1: If the link was previously created, you’ll be given an option to replace the old link. This will be useful when more details are needed from the parents, or sending the link to a different person, in case the receiver of the previous link is no longer contactable.

Note2: PDF Report of the Incident can also be sent at the same time, but it’ll be generated with the current information (I.e. parents sign off details not yet to be included at this stage)

Parents/The receiver To Do

Anyone who received the link will be able to add details in the form and submit it.
1. Click on the link within the email:

2. Add parent/guardian’s name, signature etc. The fields that need to be edited by parents are all displayed in pink font.

The remaining fields are all greyed out, which means they’re all read only and cannot be edited by the parents or the receiver of the link.

3. Finally, they can press “Submit” at the top right corner.
They are also given option to send a copy of this incident form to themselves at the time of submission.

Centre/Center Manager or Responsible Person To Do

You can track whether or not the receiver has submitted the form on the web portal's incident register page in the action column on the right hand side.

How it works – Option 2: Onsite Sign Off

In the above option 1, the sign off responsibility was shared amongst centre/center staff and parents, but this option will be entirely relying on the centre/center staff.

1. Centre/Center staff to find the submitted incident on their iPad.
From the 1Place App dashboard, tap on “Incident” then “All Incident” with spy glass icon:

2. Search the incident you’re looking for to get parents’ sign off.
You can search incidents in various ways. You can search an incident by entering child’s first name as well.:

3. Tap the incident you are after

4. Ask the parents to sign off directly on the centre/center iPad:

5. Then centre/center staff member to hit “SUBMIT” button at the top right corner.

Centre/Center staff can email the copy of incident form to the parents at this stage, if required:

Example of Incident with Ticket attached Process (*available only on the web portal)

You can attach ticket (action follow up and workflow) to an incident, if any further actions are required. For example, if the incident was caused by a certain maintenance failure, you can raise a maintenance ticket and attach (i.e. link) to an incident. In this way, you can track the full process seamlessly.

PDF version is downloadable from the bottom of this article.

Step by step instruction for this is currently being worked on, keep an eye out for the updates, otherwise feel free to reach out to your dedicated Customer Success Manager or the Support team to find out how.

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