App Usage
Written by Vineeta Singh
Updated over a week ago

Purpose of App Usage

Our customers require real time visibility and status updates on where their product is. Our app provides this data without our team having to perform regular check calls.

Steps That Define a Passing Load

Once an admin has assigned a driver to a load, that driver will get a text message with a link or a notification on the app. Once they have logged in to the app, it will prompt the driver to update location services.

Location services need to be set to "Always".

Once the driver has the app open and begins their route, make sure they do not close out of the app, but keep it running in the background for the entirety of the load.

For Stop 1, the driver will need to indicate on the app "I Have Picked Up Empty" prior to making it to Stop 2.

The driver will then enter the container number and upload a picture of the out-gate receipt.

For Stop 2, the driver can indicate on the app that the "Container Has Been Loaded". At this stop, the driver can enter the seal number and upload a picture of the BOL.

Once the load has been dropped at Stop 3, the driver can click on "Complete Load" to manually complete the final stop.

Important Takeaways

  1. Set location services to "Always"

  2. Mark "I Have Picked Up Empty" prior to making it to Stop 2

  3. Keep the app open or operating in the background through the entirety of the load

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