To update your verification level, follow these steps:
Tap "Actions" at the bottom of the app's homepage
Tap "Settings"
Select “Account Verification” under the heading - Verification
Tap “Verify my account”
Select Country and ID Document type
Input your document number
Tap "Proceed to Upload ID"
Upload an image of your ID
Tap "Proceed"
Check that your name matches the name on your ID including the name placement
If not, Tap "Edit my full name"
Edit your full name
Tap "Save changes and proceed"
Tap "My names and document match"
Confirm that your name matches what is on your ID
Tap "Take Selfie"
Follow the instructions and take a selfie
Position your face with your 4 fingers beside your face within the oval frame on your screen and tap the round button displayed at the bottom of your screen
Input your personal information
Tap "Save"
Congratulations! You have successfully submitted your KYC information. You will receive an email to confirm your KYC level.