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How to add products to your online store
How to add products to your online store

Step-by-step instructions for how build a world class store for your tournament

Dane Sorenson avatar
Written by Dane Sorenson
Updated this week

If you're reading this article, it means you've already completed the prerequisite step of setting up your product categories and the optional step of creating any personalized product email templates. Now it's time to complete the creation of your online store by adding products to it! Here's how you do that:

  1. From the side navigation of your admin dashboard select ONLINE STORE > Manage Products.

  2. On the next screen select the 'Add a product button' located in the top right-hand corner.

Now we'll go through each of the product sections in detail.

Section 1: Product Details

This is the first section and is where you'll add

  • You'll give it a name (such as 'Mulligan Package')

  • You'll assign it a price

  • You'll upload an image that will represent the product in the online store on your tournament website.

  • You'll choose a product category from the drop down (it will list all the categories you created previously).

  • Next, you'll add a description using the content editor so people know exactly what this product is and/or includes. You can be as brief or as detailed as possible. We allow up to 2,000 characters in this field (e.g., Package includes 3 mulligans to be used on any hole in the course!).

Section 2: Store Details

This is where you'll add important information related to the purchase of the product, including:

  • Choosing the quantity available for sale

  • Selecting whether you want to set your own maximum quantity that can be purchased in a single transaction (NOTE: if you leave this box unchecked Event Caddy will set a default maximum quantity of '10' per transaction).

    • If you do choose to set your own maximum quantity another input field will appear for you to enter that amount.

  • Choosing whether to collect taxes on the product purchase (NOTE: you will first need to have taxes enabled via TOURNAMENT > Tournament Settings).

  • Choosing to ask purchaser to indicate who the item will be for.

  • Choosing to make this an 'up-sell' item which means it will be shown to all prospective purchasers before they checkout.

  • Deciding whether to include free player registration for 1 or more players with this product purchase. If 'Include free player registrations with purchase?' is selected a dropdown will appear where you can choose the number of players to include. We commonly see this enabled for sponsorship type products but you can do it for anything - it's your tournament after all!

Section 3: Email Template

This section is optional. You would only complete this if you've previously created your customized product email templates AND you want to send this email to every purchaser of the product. If that's the case, simply select the box next to the text 'Send an email after this product get purchased?' and a dropdown will appear for you to select the specific email template to be applied.

Section 4: Product Options

This section is also optional. You would only complete it if there are different options available for the product purchase such as size and/or colour. Say you wanted to sell golf gloves in your online store, you might want to add an option type of 'Size' with sizing options of 'Small', 'Medium' and 'Large'. If you needed to add another size such as 'Extra Large' you would do this by selecting the 'Add Another Option' button as shown below.

In some cases you may want to offer multiple product options. So using the above example, let's say you also want to give prospective players the ability to also choose the colour of the glove they're purchasing. To do that, simply select the 'Add Option Type' button circled in the below screenshot.

From there a new option type field appears where you can add the next options for your product.

Once you're happy with all the details you've entered, simply select the 'Create Product' button located at the bottom of your screen. Congratulations on creating the first product in your online store!

To create more products, just follow the exact same steps for each product you want to make available for sale.

Additional Information (Q&A)

  • Can I see who has purchased a product/item from my Online Store and produce a report? I need a report on a specific product that has been purchased.

    To see a list of who has purchased items from your Online Store, you can go to Online Store -> Manage Products. Beside each product (if someone has purchased it) there is a link for 'Consumer Reports'. This will take you to a page with a list of transactions for that item, where you can also download a CSV if needed.

  • The items in our store are no longer showing up, including the one Gold Sponsor that was left!

    If products/sponsorships are no longer visible/showing in the Online Store on your website, it is most likely related to your Max Players set under Tournament -> Settings. As more players register and reach that maximum, packages (sponsorships that include players as well as registration packages) will automatically be removed from the website so the player count doesn't go over the maximum that's been set.

  • How can I add a coupon code for an online store item?

    Although we don't have coupon/discount codes as an available option for Online Store products or Player Registrations, you can instead create a discounted hidden item or registration and share the link with those who are eligible for the discount.

  • Can I add players to my sponsorship package or other Online Store product?

    By selecting the 'Include Free Players' option, you can include players with sponsorship packages or anything else.

  • How do I enable the store 'Become a Sponsor' button on my website homepage?
    Ensure the button is not hidden under Tournament -> Settings:


  • Am I able to change the store product image?
    To update a product image in the online store, click the 'Choose File' button to select a new image. Once saved, this will replace the old one.

  • Can I allow sponsors to upload a logo while purchasing a sponsorship?
    At this time, there is no way to allow uploads for purchasers, however you can instead set up a Product Email Template and include a request they send it to your email. That way it's automated and in most cases they should send you a logo without you needing to reach out.

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