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How to Create a Depot

Creating a Depot and Regions

Updated over a week ago

Depots are locations, offices or storage yards that your company has. You can have multiple depots which is useful to manage your stock across multiple locations or to limit visibility for your users in different depots. You can also have regions, whereby you can assign multiple depots as a cluster if certain users operate or manage multiple locations.  

Note: Multiple depots are only available to subscriptions on the Pro+ package.

There are a few ways you can create Depots: 

  • When you're creating a a new subscription this will automatically create a depot. 

  • You can add new depots in Company > Add Depot

  • System Setup > Depots 

  • System Setup > Regions > + New Depot

Get Started

Head to System Setup > Depots and hit the blue Add Depot button in the top right. 

Firstly, you'll need a Depot Name this is a required field, enter the depot name and add in a Depot Code. 

Next you'll need to start filling in the location details;

If you would like to add in a Description of the depot you can add this in below depot name e.g. yard for workshop.

You can assign a Region to the depot too, to learn more about creating regions please see our guide

The Company will automatically populate as the logged in company, however if you do have multiple companies you can select them from the dropdown list. 

Finally, fill in their Address, Country and any Contact Information. 

Once you have finished simply click the green Add Depot button.

Now you should be able to switch to your new depot by clicking the depot code in the bottom left corner and selecting a depot from the Locations area in the form that appears.

If you need some assistance we’re happy to help! Start a conversation using the Blue help bubble in the bottom-right corner.

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