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How to Create a Contact

Create Contacts and Use them as Bookable Resources

Updated over a week ago

Contacts are people you add into the system, as a business contact, site contact or contractor. You can use contacts to store information against or for a point of contact at a company or you can use contacts as bookable resources and assign them to your services. 

There's a few ways you can create contacts:

  • In Account > Contacts

  • You can import Contacts using our Import Tool

  • In Project > Primary Contact 

  • In Contacts > Add Contact

Get Started

To add a new contact, go to your navigation bar, Customers > Contacts > Add Contact.

Firstly, you'll need to enter a Contact Name, this is the only required field. 

Next you'll need to start filling in their details, if you have a Primary Account for this contact from your existing accounts you can assign it here. 

The Owner will automatically populate as the user adding the Contact however if you'd like to change it, simply enter another users name. 

Bookable Resource - is this contact a bookable resource? If so select Yes and you can add them to services as a resource for orders

Type - There is a list of types of contact, you can add in extras too in System Setup > List of Values

Status - You can add your own list of values in here, for more information please see our guide

Can Mail, Can Email, Can Telephone - This is for your GDPR compliance so you can track their contact preferences

Address - You can search for an address here, or manually type it in

Once you have finished simply click the green Add Contact button.

If you need some assistance we’re happy to help! Start a conversation using the blue help bubble in the bottom-right corner.


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