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How to Create a Project

What is a Project and How to Create Projects

Updated over a week ago

What is a Project? 

A project is a way of grouping multiple orders together, a bit like a folder. With a project, you can: 

  • Set an account, dates, address, contacts and activities against the project

  • Add Orders to the project with different accounts and rental periods – this is great for when multiple customers are working on a collective project

Note: The Projects feature is currently only available for Pro+ subscriptions.

Creating a Project

On your navigation bar > Orders > Projects.

To add a new project, click 'Add Project' and it will take you to a new page, where you will need to enter the Project 'Name' 

You then also need to add in the following details: 

  • Project Description – This is where you can add in any information you would like to add regarding the Project

  • Start Date/End Date – Enter the Start and End dates of the Project 

  • Owner – This is the User that is assigned to the Project, this is automatically assigned as the User that created the Project 

  • Estimated Revenue – Enter the value of the Estimated Revenue of the Project 

  • Primary Account – Add in an Account, If the Project has a Primary account 

  • Project Type – This is a list of values that you can customise to add in bespoke values against Projects

  • Status - Is the Project Active Yes or No

  • Project Rating – This is a list of values that you can customise to add in bespoke values against Projects

  • Address – Enter the Project Address 

  • Contact Details - Enter the Project Contact Details

Once you have finished adding in the details, click Add Project to create the Project. 

Adding Orders

After you have created the Project, you are now ready to assign or add new orders. There is an Orders section within the Project. 

You can use the search bar to search for Orders, it will search a for a wide criteria for example Account Name, Document Number, Customer Reference, Item Number and more.. 

Once you have selected the Order from the search, click on the desired selection and it will add the order into the Project. 

You can use the + icon to add a new order to the project, when you do this you can choose the stage of the order - Quote, Provisional or Order.

Unlink Orders

If you added an incorrect order, you can unlink the order by selecting the unlink icon: 

It will then ask you to confirm removal, if you click Yes it will remove this order from the project.    

Add Activities 

You can use the search bar to search for Activities, it will search a for a wide criteria for example Subject, Quote Reference, Type, Start date and more.. 

Once you have selected the Activity from the search, click on the desired selection and it will add the Activity into the Project. 

You can use the + icon to add a new Activity or if you added an incorrect Activity, you can unlink the order by selecting the unlink icon.  

It will then ask you to confirm removal, if you click Yes it will remove this Activity from the Project.    

Edit & Delete Projects

To edit Projects, head to navigation bar > Orders > Projects, find the project that you’d like to edit in the list and click on it to see the project overview screen, you can click the pencil to make any changes. 

You can also delete projects too. You need to ensure these Projects are empty of any Orders. You would need to unlink the orders before deleting the project. 

If the project is finished and you do not want to remove the orders, you can make the Project status inactive to hide the project. 

To delete the Project, click the Bin Icon and it will pop up a menu to ensure you are happy to delete this Project, simply say yes if you are! 

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