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Stock Transactions

Maintain your stock levels using transactions

Updated over a week ago

The Stock Transactions screen is great for managing your stock levels and keeping track of various item transactions, for example buying new stock or writing items off. These can be created manually or recorded automatically when adding stock to Unavailable Items.

This guide will take you through the stock transaction process, where you can find your stock transaction history and create your transactions.

View/Edit stock transactions

To view and manage your stock transactions, open a product page, select a Stock Item and then click on the Stock Transactions tab.

Here you will see a list of all the transactions for this particular stock item. Some are created automatically as the item is created, written off or lost. Others are created manually as you adjust the stock level yourself.

In the Stock Transactions tab you’ll be able to see the information below

  • Source

    • The user who processed the transaction

  • Type

    • Opening (Automatic)

      • When you first add your stock levels to the system an opening balance transaction will be automatically created

    • Buy (Increase)

      • Manual entry for when you buy the item, perhaps on a purchase order or other means etc. Note: this transaction is currently not automatically generated

      • Intended for bulk items where you would buy in regular quantities over time.

      • For serialised items this is unnecessary as the Opening balance will have the initial quantity and be automatically generated. However there may be situations where this is useful, e.g. where if an item was sold and then bought back at an auction – you wouldn’t be able to create the item again as the Item Number would already be in use, so you would use a Buy transaction to record it being bought back and all of its old data would be retained

    • Find (increase)

      • Manual transaction for when the item is found after having previously been reported as lost

    • Write Off (decrease)

      • When the item is Booked Out through Unavailable Items or the Product screens as a Write Off, a transaction will be logged with the details from this form

    • Make (increase)

      • Manual transaction only for when you physically create the item yourself, rather than buying from a supplier

  • System

    • Yes

      • Automatically generated transactions, such as the opening balance

    • No

      • Any transaction you or any other user processes through Add Transaction

  • Quantity

    • The change in quantity for each transaction. If the Type increases stock then the number be positive, if it decrease stock then the number will be negative

Clicking on the date of a stock transaction will give you more details about that transaction, so you can edit or see more information in the Description field.

Add manual stock transactions

Manual stock transactions are very useful when you need to change the stock levels for a stock item, after a stock take or purchasing bulk items for example. To get started, click the Add Transaction button and the below form will appear.

Simply choose the Type of transaction from the list of options, which are the same as what appear in the table previously seen. If purchasing bulk items, then Buy would make sense or if you have done a stock take then Find could be used for adding more stock or Write Off for reducing the quantity.

The Quantity will adjust the stock by the number you enter here, Date and Description are mandatory and for your own reference to simply let you make notes and date the transaction.

Note: if you are creating a transaction for a serialised asset then you will not be able to process it if the Quantity Held would become greater than 1 (as there can only be 1 unique serialised asset)

Bulk and Serialised stock transactions

Bulk items will naturally have more information in the Stock Transactions screen as there can only be 1 unique serialised item whereas for a bulk item there can be as many as you want. Over time this will show through various events like write offs, buying, losses and finding them again.

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