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Changing the Dates on an Order

This guide explains how to update the dates on an Order

Updated over a week ago

Once you have created an Order, you can edit the order header and change various details about the order.

So, what if you wanted to change the Order dates and push those changes down to the Order Items? Take a look at the following guide to find out how it's done.

If you are in the Order list view, you can click on Actions > Edit:

Or, if you are within the Order, you can click the "Edit Order" icon at the top of the page:

Or you can choose the Edit Order option within the info pane on the left-hand side of the page.

This will then display the Order header page. From here you can see the order dates you would have set when you first created, or last edited the order.

In the following example we are looking at an order with planned end dates:

Updating All Order Item Dates:

You can see there are tick boxes against each date field:

You can change the date by clicking the calendar icon, or by typing the relevant date into the date field.

Once the dates have been set, you can choose to copy the dates to all of the order items by clicking the appropriate tick boxes:

If the order is Open Ended (e.g., doesn't have a planned end date), you can change and update the: Delivery Date and Charging Start Date

If the order is not Open Ended (does have a planned end date), you can change and update the: Delivery Date, Charging Start Date, Charging End Date and Collection Date

If you don't select any of the tick boxes, the dates will change on the header, but the Order Items will remain as they were.

This is handy in the following scenarios:

  • You have a Rental Order with lots of items, and the customer wants to change their mind about the delivery dates, so you want to update them all at the same time (this will also update the relevant movements if the items have been "Dispatched").

  • You have a Rental Order with planned end dates, and you want to extend the expected end dates for availability purposes.

  • You have incorrectly set the charging start date (and haven't raised an invoice yet) and need to amend it for multiple order items at the same time.

Updating Order Items that are On Rent to a customer:

There is an additional option that allows you to choose whether to update items that are already On Rent (they have been issued to the customer). This option will be turned off by default:

You can only change the Charging Start Date if the items have not been invoiced.

When changing dates, relevant warning messages will be provided to the end user to notify them if an action cannot be performed and the reason why.

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