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Refer Accounts to Partners
Delphine Le Person avatar
Written by Delphine Le Person
Updated over a year ago

With Reveal, you’ll be able to push suggested leads to your partners in a few clicks within your Account Mapping or 360° Mapping views.

When referring accounts to partners:

As soon as you refer accounts, your partners will be notified on Reveal and by email. They will then have the option to either add these accounts to their Collaborate or dismiss them.

  • You can refer multiple accounts

  • You can add comments to provide more details.

Here's how it'll look,

In your Single Partner Account Mapping:

In your 360° Mapping:

Receiving referred accounts from your partners:

  • You will be notified through in-app notifications and by email.

  • You can add referred accounts to Collaborate or dismiss referred accounts.

Here’s how it’ll look:

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