Web app FAQs

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about web app

Updated over a week ago

Web App: Save

How does SaveDay calculate the storage capacity for saved items in the web app?

No, SaveDay doesn't count the capacity of your storage because we don't save any of your information

Web App: Search

Can I search for saved items by keywords in SaveDay web app?

Yes, of course. SaveDay allows you to easily search your saved items using keywords to find them quickly

Can I search the saved items in my new collections?

Asolutely. SaveDay allow you to search your saved items in all collections that you created

Web App: Notes

Can I view all my notes in saved items?

Yes, if you've generated AI notes or added sticky notes or highlight notes, they will automatically appear when you click on the saved items

Can I alter or edit the notes I've added before?

Yes, you can easily modify and edit your created notes. By clicking on the saved items containing your notes, you can effortlessly edit, manage, or delete them

How can I find the timestamp notes I created when watching YouTube videos?

On the homepage, you can search or filter "video" to easily find your video. Once clicked, you can easily see your timestamp notes

Web App: Manage

Can I filter my saved items to manage and find them easily?

Certainly! You can conveniently filter articles, images, videos, and more on the homepage by clicking the 'filter' icon located in the bottom right corner of your page

Is there any limitation in creating collections?

No, SaveDay allows you to create collections as many as you want

How can I open my SaveDay page? I collected a couple of links but don't know where to read them

To manage your collection, access the SaveDay web app via this link. Once opened, you can see all your saved items and easily manage them

Web App: Canvas (Q&A)

What is the SaveDay Canvas?

SaveDay Canvas is an AI thought partner that helps you develop rational thoughts from your collection items. It enhances productivity by providing personalized, transparent, and effective solutions tailored to your knowledge usage needs. You can learn more about the SaveDay Canvas feature in the SaveDay Canvas blog

What's the difference between SaveDay canvas and ChatGPT?

SaveDay Canvas is designed as a trustworthy and personalized tool to help develop rational thoughts using relevant facts from your collection items. Unlike tools like ChatGPT, which can produce incorrect or irrelevant outputs (known as hallucinations), SaveDay Canvas is more tailored to your needs

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